1. Cassandra

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Cruel Words

"When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself."

This is what my mom kept on reminding me because now that I'm finally fifteen, she's letting me attend school which is the same with my brother. Well, don't get me wrong about it. I love studying and learning, but I'm not a nerd and don't like being homeschooled. That's why I'm excited about finally going to a real school. 

My mom is a Neurologist, and from what I can only remember, I was diagnosed with a serious brain condition, and I started having series of major brain treatments when I was so young. And along with my serious brain condition, I am also suffering from sudden attacks of headaches. Though I've already recovered, I'm still monitored by Dra. Claudine San Jose, who happens to be my mom's best friend.

The breakfast table was filled by reminders given to me by my mom as I ate breakfast slowly, savoring each bite. Oh, sweet holy cow. Who wouldn't want to have Nutella French toast and green tea latte for breakfast?But mom telling me that we'd be late made me hurry in haste. "Cass, you finish your food and take your medicines. Kenneth will be here anytime now." My mo reminded me.

Taking my second to the last bite, I answered. "Yes mom, I'm almost done." I politely replied and finished eating all the food on my plate. 

Kenneth's parents, being close to my family, only agreed to buy Kenneth a car on his sixteenth birthday with the condition that he should drive me to school and bring me back home every single day since we live with each other next door. Much to his annoyance, and my glee. 

Someone was coming down and sat across me on the table. "Cass, there's a try-out for the girl's ballet dance team. Why don't you join?" My sister, Danielle asked. "Your skills would be a loss if you wouldn't use it." And that's when my mom shot dagger looks at my sister.

My mom looked at us. "Cassie is not going back to dancing ballet or any other genres. Not again. You know very well what happened to your sister when she went out to play and dance with you and your brother. She had to be rushed in the hospital." She told us.

Whining, I tried to argue. "But mom, that was years ago. I'm well now. Please?" I pleaded and I saw my dad in his office coat as he took a sip of coffee and sat down.

Giving me one last look, she spoke. "My decision's final, Cassandra." She seriously told me.

Looking at my dad, I pulled my best puppy eyes as I asked him to back me up. "I'm sorry, Cass. That's your mom's call. She's the doctor. I'm only a business man." He told me.

Danielle and I didn't push the topic anymore and then the door bell rang minutes later and a house helper told me that it was Kenneth. "Let him come in first." My dad said.

But she came back again. "Sir, he insists. He says they'll be late." She replied.

Taking a quick glance at my watch, I grabbed my bag and then I hurriedly drank my medicines as I kissed my parents good bye, quickly waving at Danielle too. "What took you so long? I've been here since forever!" Kenneth angrily said as I opened and sat on the passenger seat. I was not in the mood to bicker with him early in the morning so I just apologized quietly as I pulled and put my seat belt on.

The drive to school was long and silent. And I, being a the bubbly and chatty person that I am, couldn't bear the silence so I connected my phone to the car's speakers and played some songs like those by The Chainsmokers. I started singing along with the songs that was playing.

But Kenneth was furious and he turned it off. "Cassandra, what the hell? You're so loud!" He screamed at me. 

Closing my phone's music application, I replied. "I was just singing." I replied with a low voice but it was enough for him to hear.

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