5. Kenneth

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Kenneth 'The Stone and Denial King' San Jose

"Yeah, she's here but she's asleep."

Clearing my throat, I spoke a response to my mom because she called me. It was almost twelve o'clock midnight and I woke up from my phone ringing on my bedside table. "Okay, I'll let you sleep now. Your Tita Florence and I will be checking you with your Tita Miya tomorrow. Good night, Kenny." She told me as she yawned from the other line.

Rubbing my eyes, I said. "Good night, mom." I told her and I ended the call. The room was bigger, and it was one of the hospital's luxury rooms. It was just because Gabe's mom, Tita Florence, is the head of all the doctors' medical practice in this hospital. Cool stuff. I can't sleep, so I scanned through Twitter for a while.

@MathewSanJose: Thanks for all the prayers! @kenpsanjose is now finally getting better, God never fails!!! ☝️

@hiphoptdc: @MathewSanJose @kenpsanjose thank you Gabesters, KPSJuniors, Lewsers + boysquad fandom ❤️

@seanlew1125: @MathewSanJose @kenpsanjose get well soon brotha!!!!!

Then, looking at the smaller bed next to mine, I saw Cassandra asleep with an open book in her hands and her eyeglasses askew. She was comfortably lying down on the watcher's bed next to mine.

Damn, she looks so, I don't know... beautiful?

How does she manage to stay beautiful when she's only wearing a gray baggy sweatshirt, blavk leggings, and her eyeglasses. No makeup, no lipstick. Nothing but a lip balm. She's effortlessly and naturally beautiful. I'm amazed.

Unaware, I was already on Snapchat as I took a photo of her sleeping, then I quickly typed a caption then sending and adding it to my story. It was already late when I realized what I was doing. I have already added it to my story. Fans and friends have already seen and viewed my story. I'd seem defensive if I ever delete my Snapchat story so I let it as is.

look at my annoying ugly watcher who's heavily sleeping while her patient's awake LOL

Viewing it for the last time, I added a photo of me while I was on dog filter selfie, captioning a simple thank you to all those who wished and prayed for my wellness as I ignored all other chats to me about Cassandra and I before closing the Snapchat application on my phone.

What was I even thinking? What are you even thinking, Kenneth? You hate this annoying girl! And she's not beautiful! She's not beautiful at all. I mentally thought and scolded myself.

You don't like her, Kenneth. No, no, no, no, and no. I don't like her. I kept on convincing myself that I do not like her s I relaxed myself on the bed, shutting my eyes closed as I drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I was awoken up by my mom as she fed me breakfast. Cassandra left early and she was fetched by Tita Florence because she needs to take a shower and get some clothes because she said that she's staying for the night. But now, she was back and she didn't talk to me after greeting my mom because she went straight to the watcher's bed and slept again. My mom left and returned to her work. She must be tired, I didn't get enough sleep too last night because my headache was really bad.


Josh shouted as the door swung open and all of my friends entered the room. Groaning, I hit him with my un-dextrosed hand when he sat down on the chair beside my hospital bed. My brother and Gabe also entered the room.

It was Saturday, and they must all had talked about visiting me since there was no school. "Keep it down, Price! We're in a hospital." Gabe hit the back of his head.

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