3. Kenneth

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Confusions Of A Dancer

"Oh my gosh, Kenneth!!! I love you so much Boy Squad!!!"

Fans are now attacking me and the rest of the boys. Usually, it would be be Cassandra who would be the first one to greet us when we come out of our dressing room after every competition. But where is she now? Wait, why am I even thinking about it? Ugh.

Greeting some of the fans, and taking a couple of pictures with them, our parents told us that they'll be at our house so I said that I will just tell everyone that later on. I was taking selfies with some fans when I was stunned for a moment to see two familiar figures talking to each other at the backstage. Cassandra and Brandon.

Why are they talking to each other? I didn't know that Brandon dude is Cassandra's close friend.

Then, I was pulled off back to reality when a fan talked to me. "Are you okay, Ken? Can we take a selfie?" She smiled and asked politely.

Nodding, I composed myself but I can't help myself to stop looking at them. Fuck, why am I even staring at them? Something feels weird. I thought to myself. Focus, Kenneth. Focus. Ugh.

The fans were slowly dispersing when Cassandra finally shifted her attention back to the squad. She waved at Gabe to catch her brother's attention. Cassandra turned to the Brandon dude. "Come on, I'll introduce you to them." She told him. "Gabe, Danielle, this is Brandon. Brandon, I'm sure you know them, my siblings. And then Sean and Mathew, my other brothers." She smiled.

The Brandon dude politely nodded in acknowledgement and offered his hand for a hand shake. Danielle just smiled as Gabe, Sean, and Mathew firmly shook Brandon's hand.

"Gabe, this is Brandon. Kalani introduced him to me with Hayes." She told everyone. Wait, so now, I am being forgotten? Interesting, note the sarcasm.


Cassandra and everyone said good byes as we left the venue. Cassandra was asked by everyone to ride the car with us, saying that they had a couple questions for her. She tensed for a while, she was a hundred percent sure that the 'questions' will be about Brandon.

Before getting into the car, Gabe stopped and said he wanted to have a photo with his siblings. He took out his phone and asked Mathew to take a photo of them. Then, he went in between his sisters and engulfed both of them into a bone crushing hug. You might wonder how, but I tell you, Gabe's been working out lately.

After posing for more shots, Gabe got his phone from Mathew and thanked him. "You were trying to kill me and Danielle, damn." She gleefully remarked, making her way into the car. They just laughed at her and followed. I was comfortably seated at the back, absentmindedly looking outside when I felt someone beside me, not even minding who it was. "Congrats!!! I told you I was your lucky charm!!!" Cassandra quickly kissed my cheek.

Now that I am completely aware of my surroundings. "When the hell are you going to even stop annoying me?!" I asked and wiped off any signs of her lips on my cheeks.

Her lips twitched. "You're so short tempered." Was all that she said as she just quietly sat beside me, not wanting to bicker against me anymore.

We are on our way to eat at a restaurant, stuck in traffic, when her phone beeped. Somebody must have tweeted her or something.

@hiphoptdc: we got a trophy for today's compe win but I've already won two trophys for so long @disneybunhead @cassiedg 💞

Apparently, it was Gabe who tweeted the photo wherein he's in between, smiling while he's engulfing his sisters in a bone crushing hug while they were laughing. The photo immediately got a lot of comments and likes from friends but mostly from fans. And then I saw a comment from someone unexpected.

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