11. Cassandra

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Project: Move On

"I brought you guys some cupcakes."

Making my way across the living room, Danielle frowned. "It's good enough for Gabe only. How about me, Cass?" I chuckled at my sister's childishness. "Why are these cupcakes and cookies not that much to what I've seen on the photos?" She asked.

Sitting down beside them, I smiled. "Sorry, Josh, Will, Sean, Kenneth, and Kuya Mathew are monsters. You know them." We chuckled.

Resting my head on Gabe's shoulder, he spoke. "But, Cass. You..." He grinned at me and I raised an eye brow at him and I just shook my head. "Don't even avoid the topic, little miss. There's no getting out of this." He told me.

Sighing, I faced him. "So? What's up? You two, spill it!" Gabe and Danielle was smirking at me.

He teased me. "What's with you and Kenneth now, huh? First his 'Yeah, she's my girl and you have no right to do that and tell those things to my girl!' stunt and now, baking together?" Gabe asked me bluntly.

Coming up with a hearty chuckle, I spoke. "I can't believe you two! Of all people, you still didn't get it? I thought you knew." There were two De Guzman's confused in front of me.

"Knew what???!?!?!??!?!" Gabe and Danielle asked together. Both are now as attentive as ever, but I just laughed harder at my brother and sister.

"Oh my gosh, you really don't know. I'm so sorry. I assumed you already knew. You're the ones who should know first." I said.

"Cassie, quit playing around! What do we not know?" Gabe impatiently asked.

"Kenneth, for so long. He..." I replied.

"Is courting you?" Gabe interrupted.

"Or maybe, you two are already dating! Why didn't you tell us?" Danielle exclaimed.

"Holy cow, I can't take this anymore. I cannot believe you guys!" I laughed even louder.

"Cassandra Sienne!!!!! This isn't funny anymore! For so long, he?" Gabe raised his voice.

"For so long, he hates me. You both know that." I stifled a laughter.

"That's all? And you made me and Gabe nervous to death?" My sister asked me.

"What were you guys thinking? You know that Kenneth will never love me. Not a chance and not at all, remember?" I sadly said. "Guys, you don't really have to worry about me anymore. I'm going to forget him soon and just so you know, I've found someone else to love." I explained and smiled sweetly at my siblings.

Danielle raised an eye brow. "Someone else to love?" She asked, pondering upon my words.

Then Gabe dumbly asked. "It's not that Brandon kid, right?" I ignored my siblings' questions and I silently made my way up to my room then dropped myself on my bed.

Reaching my phone, I smiled sadly as I scanned my happy photos with Kenneth earlier.

Ugh. I'm determined to put an end to this insanity. I'm so sure that I'm going to move on then this? One minute he's breaking my heart with all the cruel words he tells me and then the next minute, he acts as if everything's perfectly right. And the worst thing is, he sometimes makes me feel as if my heart was never broken by himself.

It's really bothering me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Blocking every hater that I saw, there's no point of reading mean tweets at this point of the day. Then I smiled at some kind, and sweet tweets from supportive fans. Most are Kenneth's fans and some are my brother's fans. I also read the tweets from our dance friends, school friends, and our family. Indeed, everyone has been and will always be supportive of us. Too bad, there will never be an 'us'. No Kenneth and Cassie.

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