03: The Past

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This is going to be a pretty long chapter😂 I wanted to put a few of Ellie's memories of Tony in one chapter. Yet I'll still scatter a few memories in different chapters. So I guess this whole chapter is of Tony trying to get Ellie to like him since he is dating her mother~ Kenlee Faith❤️

The sweet sound of her mother's soft hum from the next room made Ellie smile. She hopped off her bed and smiled seeing her mom. Her mother's long brown hair was pulled back into a bun. Her greenish blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight that leaked through the hall window. Her mother was not tall or short. She was average height and she was fairly beautiful. Sophia Taylor was her name. She wore a cream colored tank top with a black colored cardigan and gray shorts.
"Ellie? Why are you up so early, baby girl?" Sophia asked going over to her daughter and picking her up. She smiled and kissed her daughter's head, "sweetie, you're suppose to be taking a nap."
"I can't sleep" Ellie admitted looking into her mother's greenish blue eyes. Those eyes were warm, welcoming, kind, and sweet. Sophia sighed and rubbed her daughter's back gently.
"Tony will be here soon, sweetie" Sophia said. Ellie frowned at the familiar name of her mother's new boyfriend. The famous Tony Stark was dating her mother. She wasn't a big fan of her mother's choice in men.
"I don't-" before Ellie could finish speaking the sound of a loud sports car pulled into the driveway. Sophia's smile grew wide as she put down her daughter and rushed down stairs to greet her billionaire boyfriend. Ellie frowned and followed her mother down the steps just not as excited as she was.
"Darling" Tony Stark called as he entered the house holding a banquet of red roses for Sophia. Sophia smiled and took the beautiful flowers from Tony. She kissed his cheek and left to go find a vase to put the flowers in.
"I'll be right back" Sophia said as she rushed upstairs. Ellie looked at Tony with a frown on her face. Yet Tony just smiled at his girlfriend's daughter. He ruffled the girl's hair gently as he walked into the living room.
"Hey there, Elliebug" Tony said but the five year old ignored him and got her juice box from the kitchen. Tony sighed and watched Ellie as she got a juice box and sat on the couch, "do you not like me for some reason?"
"What gave you that idea?" Ellie asked sarcastically taking a sip of her juice from the juice box. Tony sighed and went over sitting on the couch with the little girl. He turned and looked at her.
"Please at least give me a chance. I know you don't like me but can you at least try and like me for a little. I'll do whatever you want for one day. We could do anything. Go to the zoo, maybe I'll take you and your mom to Malibu for a little. Just please give me a chance, Elliebug, that's all I'm asking" Tony said. Ellie looked at him in shock before she slowly nodded in agreement. The two shook hands sealing the deal.
"I want a puppy" Ellie said looking at Tony.
"What kind of puppy?" Tony asked with a small smile on his face. Now they were getting somewhere.
"A Saint Bernard. I think they are fluffy and cute" Ellie answered. She had always wanted a dog.
"Alright. What would you name him?" Tony asked crossing his legs while he sat on the comfy couch.
"I would name him Maximus. But Max for short" Ellie said as a small smile began to form on her face. Now that was the highlight of Tony Stark's night. He got the kid to smile. Finally! He had wanted to get her to smile for the past five days.
"That's a great name" Tony said pulling Ellie in for a little hug. Ellie was taken by surprise when he had hugged her. She smiled and hugged him back. Tony's night was just getting better and better by the minute.
"Alright. There we-" Sophia said entering the room almost dropping the vase when she saw her daughter and Tony hugging. Ellie had finally approved of Tony. Sophia smiled watching them as she placed the vase on the counter.
"Mommy! Tony said he was gonna get me a puppy!" Ellie said looking at her mom with excitement in her eyes. Sophia was about to protest against that but she decided not to when she saw her daughter's excited face.
"Really?! A puppy?!" Sophia asked as her daughter ran over and hugged her mother tightly. Sophia smiled and hugged her daughter back. She looked at Tony giving him one of those looks.
"Yeah!" Ellie said with the biggest smile showing her missing two front teeth. Sophia smiled and she kissed her daughter's forehead gently.
"I'm glad you and Tony are getting along, Sweetie" Sophia said moving some of Ellie's hair from her face. Ellie smiled and jumped around with excitement making both Sophia and Tony chuckle. Tony smiled and watched as Ellie jumped around.
"I am so getting you back for this" Sophia said as she went over and sat down next to Tony on the couch. Tony chuckled and nodded in understanding before he kissed Sophia's cheek. Ellie rushed back over and hugged Tony with all her might. Tony chuckled and hugged her back.
"I think we had enough excitement for awhile. Why don't you go back upstairs and go back to sleep. You have to be well rested for tomorrow" Sophia said looking at her daughter. Ellie smiled and nodded about to go up the steps but she turned and looked at the two.
"Can you come read me a bedtime story?" Ellie asked.
"Sure sweetheart" Sophia said getting up off the couch but Ellie stopped her.
"Not you, mommy, I meant Tony" Ellie said before she walked up the steps to her bedroom. Sophia sighed and looked at Tony.
"You are just having a great day today, aren't you?" Sophia asked with a smile. Tony smiled and got up before he headed up the steps after Ellie. Ellie was already in her bedroom getting her pjs on. Of course they were Captain America footsie pjs. Tony chuckled and helped Ellie into bed.
"Which story do you want?" Tony asked going over to the bookcase to choose a story for Ellie. Ellie got under the baby blue colored covers and laid her head against the cream colored pillow.
"Any story is fine" Ellie answered as she reached over turning on the lamp that was on the bedside table. Tony smiled and picked out a book before going over and sitting down on the bed next to Ellie. He showed her the cover before he opened the book and started reading. For a few characters he did some funny voices making Ellie laugh at certain moments.
By the end of the book, both Ellie and Tony had fallen asleep. The book was still in Tony's hand. Ellie had her head resting on his arm. Sophia went upstairs and pushed open the door. She smiled seeing the sight. She leaned against the door frame looking at the two. It was very cute. Sophia walked over and took the book from Tony before she turned off the bedside lamp. She kissed her daughter's head and then Tony's cheek before she left the room. She slowly closed the door behind her careful not to make any noise.
Tony rolled over slightly and got comfortable in the bed with Ellie snuggled up at his side. The little girl clutched the material on his shirt as she slept peacefully. Tony had his left arm draped over Ellie's small body. Tony had been pretty tired since he had went to many meetings that day. Ellie had also been tired but that's just from playing on the farm.

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