23: Rosalind

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Rosalind walked back to her makeshift house which was just an abandon little shack that was tucked away from all the excitement. The small child crawled into the shack through the window. Her small body able to squeeze through. Once she was inside she lit a candle so she could have some light.
She looked around and noticed her mother laying on the worn down couch. Her mother let out a few coughs which alerted the small girl that her mother needed the medical attention. She rushed over to her mother as fast as her little legs could carry her.
"Momma" Rosalind's soft voice spoke. Her reached up gently running her fingers through her daughter's thick chocolate brown hair.
"My sweet baby... Stay strong for momma," Her mother coughed again before she gave her finally breath. Rosalind's greenish brown eyes filled with tears as she clutched her mother's cold hand. She gently set down her hand before she grabbed her little bag of her only belongings. She climbed out of her little window and ran down the road back toward the large golden palace.
Her small feet slapped against the ground as she rushed back. She knew she needed to talk with someone. She picked up speed as she ran. Her little heart beating million times a second. She rushed up the steps only to get stopped by the guards with their threatening weapons.
"I need to speak with someone. Please! Let me through!" Rosalind pleaded. A familiar face came around the corner and she looked to the guards.
"Let her through, gentlemen" Freya said softly. The guards looked at her with slight disbelief before they lowered their weapons and let the young girl pass through. The child ran over to Freya quickly.
"It's my mother... She... She..." Rosalind couldn't say the words that she wanted to. But it seemed that Freya understood well enough what the small girl was trying to tell her. She looked to the guards and nodded to them.
"Go to Rosalind's home and bring her mother's body here for a proper funeral" Freya said gently stroking the child's long brown hair. Rosalind leaned into the princess's side griping onto the silk material of her nightgown.
"Yes, your majesty" the guards said nodding to the princess before they rushed off doing as they were told to do. Freya sighed and she looked down at Rosalind seeing she was a little shaken up.
"You must be cold, Young One. Come on, come with me" Freya said in a soft soothing voice that calmed the young girl's nerves. Freya took the girl inside the palace to get her into the warmth and out of the cold. Freya looked over to a servant, "will you please go get her some warm clothes."
The servant nodded and headed off to go get her job done. Freya sat down on the couch with Rosalind in front of the warm fire place in front of them. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the small child. Rosalind stared at the fire and she sighed laying her head on Freya's arm. Freya smiled slightly and she gently rubbed the girl's arm soothingly.
Rosalind was soon given a warm glass of milk and a plate of cookies. She sat there eating the food in front of the fire with Freya beside her. She took a long sip of the milk and she looked at Freya. She set down her glass letting out a sigh. Freya chuckled softly and she grabbed a napkin wiping away the milk mustache that was above Rosalind's upper lip. Freya set down the napkin and she gently stroked the young girl's dark hair with a small sigh. The girl reminded her of herself in so many ways.
Rosalind yawned a little and she rubbed at her eyes trying to fight sleep. Freya chuckled softly and she stood up picking up the girl. Rosalind laid her head down on Freya's shoulder and she gripped onto her silk nightgown. Freya carried her back to her bedroom and pushed open the door. She set her down and handed her the silk nightgown that would most likely fit her.
Freya closed the curtains to keep the sunlight out when morning came around the corner. She planned to sleep in a little since everything that was going on was stressful and worrisome. Zemo had escaped prison. And that wasn't good. It wasn't good at all, especially for some people. Zemo had to be stopped. They should've killed him when they had the chance.
Rosalind finished getting ready and she climbed up into the large bed. She got under the covers with Freya's help and she let out another yawn. Freya smiled a little and she kissed the girl's head before saying goodnight. The girl said the same in return before her eyes closed and she fell asleep. Her small body curled up into a ball snuggled up against a pillow. Freya sighed and she laid down in bed blowing out her candle before she also fell asleep in the soft bed.

The Next Morning

Freya woke up the next morning and she looked at little Rosalind who was still sleeping peacefully. Her small body still curled up beside the pillow. Freya smiled and she got out of bed to get ready for the day. She saw that the servants had already picked out a dress for her and Rosalind today. Rosalind needed somewhere to stay...
Meanwhile, Ellie laid in bed still fast asleep. Her legs tangled within the blankets. Her hair covering her face as she snored softly and drooled a little onto the pillow. The bedroom door creaked open and Tony walked in to wake her up. He smiled at her sleeping form before he shook her arm gently.
"Go away" Ellie mumbled in her sleep, rolling over so her back was facing Stark. Tony frowned slightly and he poked at the teen's side making her squirm a little under his touch. She ended up kicking him where it hurts which caused him to double over in pain.
"Ouch" Tony muttered as he groaned in pain. Ellie smirked a little and she rolled over looking at the billionaire.
"What do you want?" She asked tiredly as she sat up in the soft bed not wanting to leave it's soft comfort. Tony sighed and he looked at Ellie with the look in his eyes. That one look that told Ellie everything.
"Zemo escaped..." Tony said with a sigh. Ellie's blue eyes widened and she looked at Stark with a look of worry and horror mixed into one. Her heart picked up a little hearing those two words. Zemo had escaped... He was free from his prison on Earth and now things were going to get worse.
"Find him... They need to find him..." Ellie said with a worried expression upon her face. Tony sighed and nodded before sitting down on the bed beside the teenager. He looked down before looking to Ellie.
"I know. I talked to Fury a little while ago and he said they are sending out search parties all over the world" Tony said softly as he gently took the girl into his arms. He rubbed her back gently with a sigh, "they're doing everything they can."

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