18: From the Shadows

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The rain outside came down as a jet flew through the night. Inside were the group of heroes prepared to fight against Zemo and whoever he had on his side. Ellie stood at the window looking out at everything. She would make Zemo feel pain. Major pain. She would make him feel the same pain she felt.
Ellie felt a someone tap on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Freya there. She sighed and took off her headphones setting them down on the seat. Freya looked at Ellie and laid her hand on her arm in a comforting way. Freya looked out the window and out at the sky. She hoped her father was watching.
"We're going to stop Zemo. I promise" Freya said. Ellie looked down and gave a slight nod before looking back out the window. Ellie sighed and sat down on the bench. Freya sat down beside her and they started to talk a little. Freya knew that Ellie's rage would affect Zemo. It would affect him a lot.
Ellie was clearly mad. It wasn't hard to see that she was. The way she clenched her fist at the mention of Zemo's name. She hated him. It was pure hatred. Freya didn't like him either. Ellie was ready to take down Zemo. She was going to make him hurt. When the jet landed a smirk formed on Ellie's lips.
Steve opened the jet door and Ellie was the first one out. She looked at Peter and gave him a nod. Peter nodded and he shot some of his web at the roof before he climbed up the side of the Hydra facility. Ellie caught the web when he sent it back down and she climbed up next. Freya and Bucky headed around the other side to take the back way into the building. Steve and Natasha took the other side to the side entrance. T'Challa and Tony headed through the windows with Sam following close behind them.
Peter opened the one entrance and Ellie dropped down into the hallway. She looked around and when she saw an agent surveying the hallways she rushed over quietly and she used the wall to help herself jump onto him and wrap her legs around his neck making his face turn red. She got off when he collapsed to the floor without a single sound.
Peter dropped down and he looked at Ellie giving her a nod. He followed after her as they headed down the hallway taking down a few more agents without making a peep and not causing others to become alarmed. The two worked together as a team. Peter had tied up a few with his web.
Freya and Bucky got into the building and looked around the first floor. Freya saw an agent and she rushed over lighting her hand with her energy taking down the agent with ease. Bucky watched clearly impressed by her powers. He gave her a nod before he checked in some of the rooms. Freya looked around and checked the other rooms for any sight of Zemo or anything useful.
Bucky found a few files of information and he would give them to Tony later so he could look at them. He looked around with Freya at his side and the two of them took out a few agents sending them to the ground. Freya broke into a sprint when she saw that an agent had saw her. The man started running but Freya was close behind. She was very fast. She sent her energy at him hitting him in the back making him fall to the floor.
Freya smiled seeing him fall and she moved her hair from her face. She walked over and she took the guy out before heading back over to Bucky. She gave him a wink seeing the smile he had given her. The two of them headed down the hallway ready to take down any other agents that came their way. The other heroes went around taking down other Hydra agents to get them out of the way.
Ellie looked around and she headed into a room. The floor broke below her causing her to fall through landing in a different room. The room was dark until the lights turned on. Ellie looked over at where she heard the light switch click. She swallowed seeing Rumlow and Zemo. Ellie narrowed her eyes looking at Zemo which he only returned it with a smirk.
"Miss me, Ellie?" Zemo asked as Rumlow headed over and picked her up by the throat holding onto her tightly. Ellie struggled in his grip and she kicked at him trying to get free but it only caused him to tighten his grip on her throat. Rumlow smirked looking at her.
"So helpless" Rumlow said with a low chuckle before he threw her across the room causing her to hit the wall hard. She fell to the floor and she looked up at Zemo and Rumlow. She coughed and backed up against the wall.
"I've waited for this day for a long while" Zemo said walking over to Ellie. He crouched down in front of her with a smirk laced on his lips. Zemo smiled and gently placed three fingers on Ellie's face moving it to the side looking at her neck. Ellie looked at Zemo as she saw him take out a syringe. She narrowed her eyes and then she shocked him with her powers sending him flying back.
"I've waited for this day for a long while" Ellie grumbled as she got up from the floor and dusted herself off. She looked at Zemo and tilted her head with a smirk, "what? I got my powers, remember? The powers that I'm going to kill you with."
"Ellie" Zemo said backing up quickly so he was away from her. Ellie looked at him and raised her eyebrows.
"What? Going to tell me that I don't want to kill you when I really do?" Ellie asked looking at his terrified face. Zemo glanced over at Rumlow who rushed over wrapping his arm around Ellie's neck cutting off her air. Ellie struggled and she looked at the hole she fell through.
"Peter!" Ellie yelled hoping Peter would hear her. She gasped for air as Rumlow continued to tighten his grip. She could feel herself slowly slipping into darkness. She looked at the hole, "Freya! Anyone!"
Rumlow let go of Ellie when she fell to the ground unconscious. He sighed and chuckled before looking at Zemo. Zemo smirked and he got up from the floor. But just as he got up he was knocked back down by a teenager in a red and blue suit. Peter jumped down from the hole and shot his web at Rumlow and Zemo causing them to fly back against the wall sticking to it.
"Ellie!" Peter said rushing to Ellie's unconscious body. Zemo and Rumlow struggled against the web that had been shot at them. Peter picked up Ellie gently and looked up at the hole. He shot his web at the top waiting for it to hook on. He held Ellie close to him as he climbed back up out of the hole. The web broke sending them both back down to the floor below.
Peter looked at Ellie to make sure she was okay. He frowned and looked around seeing the door he rushed over trying to get it open. He rammed his shoulder into the door getting it opened. He smiled in success before he rushed over to Ellie picking her back up. He rushed out of the room holding her close to him. Peter slid to a stop seeing all the agents aiming guns at him. They had circled them.
There was a loud yell and the group turned only to get blasted by a flash of energy. The agents hit the ground and Peter looked over to see Freya walking over toward them with Bucky behind her with his gun. Freya rushed over seeing Ellie unconscious in Peter's arms. There was a bark and they all looked over as Max ran over to them. Max was Ellie's protector.
Max sniffled Ellie's hand and he whimpered hoping she was okay. Freya sighed and she gently patted Max's head. Ellie moved her head slightly and her eyes opened a little bit as she looked around the room. She looked at everyone and then noticed that Peter was holding her. Her cheeks turned red and she tried to hide her blush but Freya and Bucky saw it yet Peter didn't.
Peter set Ellie down gently to the floor and she got up from the ground. She looked into the room seeing that Zemo and Rumlow were gone. She tilted her head and headed back into the room looking around to see where they where. But it seemed that they hadn't been in there. They were gone.
"I could've killed him!" Ellie growled kicking the wall in anger. She yelled in frustration and looked around the room for any escape doors. Freya sighed and she motioned for Bucky and Peter to go look for anymore agents. Freya headed into the room with Max following behind her and looked at Ellie before speaking.
"But you didn't. And I'm okay-"
"I'm not okay. I want to make him feel the way I felt" Ellie said cutting off Freya's sentence. Freya crossed her arms and she sighed looking at Ellie.
"Ellie... We just need to work together and find them" Freya said placing her hand on Ellie's shoulder. There was a small cracking noise which made Ellie and Freya look around for anything. The door slammed shut and locked on it's own which left the two girls in the dark room.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Ellie yelled looking around. She looked around in anger ready to punch anything if she needed to. Max looked around and growled at a dark corner. Ellie and Freya looked over at the corner and frowned. Something was there in the shadows yet they couldn't see what it was.
A man stepped out from the shadows. He was tall and had long dark hair with emerald green eyes. He wore something that looked like armor from Asgard. Freya's eyes widened looking at the man. Ellie had a suspicion that Freya knew him somehow. Ellie looked at Freya but Freya was looking straight at the man.
The man smiled a little looking at Freya and he tilted his head seeing the glare that he was receiving from her. He chuckled softly and crossed his arms slightly amused by the look. He had missed his baby sister.
"Did you miss me, dear sister?" The man asked. Ellie looked at Freya in shock now seeing the resemblance between the two siblings.
"Of course I did, Loki. I just thought you were dead..."

Loki has arrived!😂 I had to put Loki in the story but in the next chapter there is going to be major feels and Ellie might get revenge on Zemo in the next chapter~ Kenlee Faith

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