27: Nightmare

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Ellie walked through the forest, looking around at her surroundings. She listened to the birds chirping around in the woods. She heard the rustling of bushes which made her go over in that direction. She turned the corner and saw Steve, laying there against the tree. His lip bleeding and he had a black eye. He was clearly in pain from something. The blonde rushed over to her friend's aid as fast as possible.
"Steve!?" She yelled as she rushed over to his side. She kneeled down in front of him and checked his pulse. There was one there but it was very faint. The blonde looked at him worriedly, "Steve? Are you okay?"
The soldier opened his eyes and looked at the teen. A smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth before he grabbed her wrist harshly, holding it tightly in his strong grip. Ellie pulled, trying to yank her wrist away but she wasn't strong enough. The soldier smiled looking at her, "I'm much better now that you're here." He chuckled darkly before stood up wrapping her arm around her middle, lifting her from the ground.
The teen struggled in his grip. This wasn't Steve! This was the bad version of him. She screamed out for help but it was as if no one could hear her cries as they headed deeper into the forest. She saw her freedom slowly disappear as she was taken away from her home. The blonde screamed and kicked but it was no use. The soldier chuckled and only tightened his grip even more on the girl. "Struggle all you want, brat. It's not going to work," he hissed as he took her into the dark forest.

Ellie awoke with a gasp, sitting up in bed. She breathed in and out quickly as sweat trickled down her face. She hugged herself and looked out the window a little. She kissed the real Steve. She would find him. She knew she would eventually. She just had to try to find him.
"Something wrong?" A voice said which caused her to jump and spin around seeing Tony. The billionaire had a concerned look on his face. He walked over sitting down beside her and pulling her into his warm, comforting arms. Ellie buried her face into his chest and breathed softly trying to calm down.
"It's okay... Shhhhh" he said softly as he kissed her head gently. He didn't know why she was so shaken up. But he knew she'd probably not want to talk about it. But deep inside, Ellie wanted to say everything. But so far no one believed her. She had told Freya and she didn't believe her. She told Peter and he just asked her what kind of Fanfiction she was reading.
Tony kept holding her until she was back asleep. There was a soft knock and Tony looked over seeing Steve standing there. The faker looked at Tony and rubbed at his eyes a little. He saw that he was holding Ellie. She better not have spilled the beans about who he was. He looked at Tony and let out a little yawn, "is she okay? I heard her next door."
"Just a nightmare" Tony said before yawning a little, "I'm gonna go back to bed. If she wakes up again will you calm her down? I don't know what's gotten into her lately. She has been having so many nightmares."
"Sure thing, Tony" Steve said watching as Tony left. He smirked a little and shut the door before looking at Ellie, who was sleeping peacefully. He sighed and walked over gently moving her hair from her face, "oh Ellie... Ellie, Ellie, Ellie... I hope you're not spreading our little secret. It would be bad news for you. Like really bad news."
The teen shivered slightly in her sleep and she rolled over causing the fake to growl a little. He turned her back over harshly causing her to open her eyes a little. The blonde sat up backing up quickly till her back was pushed against the wall. She looked at him with fear in her eyes.
"There we go," he said chuckling, "back to the game of fear." He smirked and went over to her before he sat down beside her, pulling her into his gentle hold. The blonde teenager swallowed in fear but she laid her head gently against his chest. She listened to the steady heart beat. The soldier hummed a little and he rubbed his fingers gently down her arm, soothingly.
"I'm not s-scared," the teen stuttered softly. The soldier chuckled and he looked down at her before gripping her arm tightly. The girl's eyes widened and she tried to pull her arm away but he was much stronger than she was.
"What was that, Blondie? You're not scared?" He said pulling her back toward him. He pushed her back against his chest holding onto her so she couldn't escape. The girl struggled in his hold and soon she gave up from the lack of strength in her body. She electrocuted him which caused him to yell and pushed her to the ground.
The teen got up quickly before she took off running seeing the look in his eyes. She rushed out the door and screamed for help as she ran. She rushed down the steps with the soldier close behind her in pursuit. She got outside and looked around fearfully before she felt his strong arms wrap around her, lifting her up.
"Let's go on a little walk" he said, his mouth close to her ear as he carried her toward the forest. Ellie struggled and she gave up letting out a sigh. She felt sleepy. She needed to go to sleep. She closed her eyes a little and soon she fell asleep in the faker's hold. It was strange.

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