07: Red, White, and Blue

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After talking with Steve and telling him about what was going on, Tony got a room ready in the tower for Ellie. He had only told Steve about Freya. He had tried to call Natasha but she didn't pick up her phone. He didn't really want Ellie involved with what was going on. He wished she wasn't involved at all. He wished Natasha would answer her phone because she could help out with Ellie.
Tony finished getting the bedroom ready for Ellie and decided to try and call Natasha one more time hoping she would finally answer. Steve said he was sending Panther to come and get Freya. Steve didn't say anyone else was coming along though. Tony tapped his foot waiting for Natasha to answer her phone.
"What do you want, Stark?" Natasha hissed on the other end of the phone when she answered for the first time. Tony sighed and explained everything to Natasha hoping she would understand. Natasha let out a sigh on the other end, "alright... I'll be there soon. Give me three hours."
"Okay" Tony said before he hung up the phone. He walked out of the bedroom and went to go get Ellie so she could sleep in a bed instead of on the couch. When he got into the living room and stopped seeing Ellie awake. But that's not all. Panther was sitting on the couch speaking with Freya and Ellie.
Tony walked over to the kitchen pouring himself another drink. Ellie looked over seeing Tony and sighed. Ellie stood up and walked over into the kitchen, "I think I'm gonna head back home... My mom will probably be back sometime."
"Ellie, it's dangerous. I think it's best if you stay here with me" Tony said taking a sip of his drink. Ellie shook her head and leaned against the counter.
"I'm going home. I need to be there if my mom gets home. If I'm not there she'll be worried sick" Ellie said leaving the kitchen and grabbing her bag. She looked at Freya and smiled, "I'll see you soon, Freya. If you need anything you know where to find me so I'd be happy to help."
"Goodbye, Ellie. Thank you so much for your help" Freya said standing up and hugging her friend tightly, "it means a lot."
"No problem, Freya" Ellie said as she picked up Max's leash before she went to the elevator and pushed the button waiting for the elevator to come up. Once the elevator got there she got in and headed down to the first floor. Max nudged Ellie's side making Ellie look down and pat his head gently.
Panther left with Freya after Ellie had left. They headed back to where the safe house was. Freya looked around as they headed into the safe house. She already missed Ellie wishing that her friend was beside her instead of a man she barely knew. Freya hugged herself as she walked down the long hallway. Panther guided Freya to one of the rooms and smiled a little bit at her.
"There is no need to be tense, Freya. I understand that you miss your friend but I can assure you she will be okay. So will you now that you're here. You'll be safe from any bad guys" Panther explained as they entered the room. Hearing someone enter the room, Steven Grant Rogers stood up from his seat and gave Freya a small smile.
"You must be Freya. I'm Steve Rogers or also known as C-" Steve started but Freya finished for him and shook his hand.
"Captain America... Ellie is a big fan of you. She has posters and old cards. I'm gonna say she looks up to a guy like you" Freya said with a smile but noticed Steve's confusion on his face, "I don't think Tony mentioned about Ellie... Ellie was the person that let me stay at her place when I was banished. She's very nice and I hope one day you get to meet her."
"I would love to meet her. She sounds like a nice person" Steve said with a smile.
"She is the most nicest person on Earth. I bet you two would get along very well" Freya said with a smile, "can you make sure that Ellie is safe? I remember her address. I just need someone to go check on her."
"Of course. I'll send Sam to go check up on her" Steve said with a smile as they went over to the hallway, "in the meantime, I'll show you to your bedroom."
"Thank you, Steven" Freya said as they walked down the hallway. They got to one of the rooms and Steve opened the door showing Freya around the room. After that, he left to let her get settled. Freya had told him Ellie's address so Sam could go check on Ellie to make sure she was okay.
Freya looked around the room and sat down on the bed. She missed Ellie and Max. She really missed Ellie. Ellie always had a way of making her laugh and smile. She felt like Ellie was her sister in someway. Freya sighed and laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling. She wished her father could see her and maybe he would bring her back to Asgard yet she knew that her father did these things for a reason. Maybe he wanted Freya to have met Ellie.
Meanwhile at the farmhouse, Ellie walked up the dirt driveway with Max close at her side to protect her. Ellie walked over to the house and opened the screen door listening to the familiar screech it made. She took out her key and unlocked the front door before walking into the house. Max ran ahead and ran into the living room to go lay down on his large dog bed. Ellie set the keys down on the kitchen table and looked at the tiled kitchen floor.
Ellie's head shot up hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the hallway. Her hands began shaking slightly and she reached under the table grabbing the gun she had taped to the bottom. She raised the gun ready to shoot whoever came around the corner. It wasn't her mom since the car that she owned wasn't in the driveway. The footsteps got closer and Ellie put her finger on the trigger. The gun was already locked and loaded ready to shoot.
A man that she didn't know came around the corner. He had chocolate brown hair and blue eyes that shimmered in the light. A smirk slowly found it's way to his lips as he tapped the kitchen counter gently. He raised an eyebrow seeing the gun that she had pointed at him. He chuckled slightly and made his way over toward her. He shook his head a little bit as he walked over.
"Ellie Ellie Ellie... Put down the gun, Sweetheart" the man said looking at Ellie, who held the gun with her hands shaking. Ellie backed up bumping into the counter behind her.
"What do you want? Who are you?" Ellie said ready to pull the trigger and shoot this man if she needed to.
"Oh Ellie... I knew you didn't remember me" the man said with a smirk on his face. He reached out for the gun and gave Ellie a gentle smile.
"D-dad?" Ellie asked shocked. She lowered the gun slowly with her hands still shaking a little bit. The man smiled and slowly took the gun from Ellie and set it down on the counter.
"Look at you... You've grown so much" he said grabbing her by the shoulders gently, "I can't believe it. I thought I would never see you again. I thought your mother would keep you away from me."
"Well mom has been gone for three months since the last time I saw her. I barely see her anymore. She's always running around with guys and getting drunk. I won't be surprised if I'll have a new sibling soon" Ellie said looking down. Her father lifted her head gently with his finger under her chin.
"Oh Ellie... I'm sorry for this" he said. Ellie looked at him with confusion. What was he sorry for? She titled her head looking at him.
"Sorry for what?" Ellie asked as he reached into his pocket of his sweatshirt.
"This" he said pulling out a syringe and jabbed it into Ellie's neck. Ellie slowly began to feel dizzy and soon she fell right into his arms. Ellie's world began to spin and soon it all became black. Max's head shot up hearing the sound of Ellie falling. He leaped out of his dog bed and ran into the kitchen bitting Ellie's father. The man yelled out and dropped Ellie to the floor.
"You stupid mutt!" Ellie's father yelled but before he could attack, Max jumped up and pushed him to the ground. Max rushed over to Ellie and nudged her but she didn't move. Max whined and nudged her again but nothing happened. Her father got to his feet about to go for Ellie again but Max growled low at him causing him to jump back in fear.
Ellie's father grabbed the gun from the counter and aimed it at Max. He put his finger on the trigger ready to shoot the dog. Max growled low and seeing the gun he let out his booming bark and showed his teeth. Max would do anything to protect Ellie. He would give up his life to protect her. Ellie's father clenched his jaw and kept the gun aimed on the dog. He knew that Ellie would probably kill him for killing Max.
Ellie's father groaned and grabbed the syringe off the floor. He quickly rushed forward jabbing Max with it. The dog tried to bite at him but Max stumbled before he fell to the kitchen floor. Ellie's father smiled triumphantly before he picked up Ellie and slung her over his shoulder. He dropped the syringe to the ground before he headed outside of the house leaving the door wide open.
He went over to the car he parked behind the barn and popped open the hatch on the trunk. He laid Ellie down in the trunk before zip tying her hands together and placing some tape over her mouth. He shut the trunk before he climbed into the car and started it up before he pulled out of the driveway. Just as he left the area, Sam Wilson landed at the farmhouse. Sam saw the door wide open and he frowned. He rushed over to the house quickly.
Sam rushed into the house and looked around only to find Max on the ground. The dog was still breathing thankfully. He picked up the syringe and frowned. He saw the gun on the floor as well. There was no sign of Ellie. He saw the keys on the table along with her bag. Sam looked around for any clues of Ellie being here. She had to have been there at the house. Sam pulled out his phone and quickly called Steve.
"Everything okay, Sam?" Steve answered when he picked up the phone. Sam sighed and shook his head.
"Ellie is gone. Someone was here before me. The dog is here but he seems to have been injected with something. Ellie is gone, Steve" Sam said as he looked around the house to find anything else. He headed up the steps into Ellie's room and looked around for anything.
"I'll tell Freya. We'll start searching for her" Steve said as Sam smiled a little seeing the Captain America poster. He looked at a photo on the nightstand of a little girl with her dog and she was holding a trashcan lid painted to look like Steve's shield.
"We'll find her. But just get to the house quickly and help me look. Call Tony too" Sam said before he hung up. Sam looked around the room at everything that was around. He picked up a few things and looked at them before setting them back down. He sighed and looked at the ground. They would find Ellie. He knew they would.
Meanwhile back at the safe house, Steve knocked on Freya's door gently. He didn't know how he was going tell her that her best friend was kidnaped. How was he going to tell her? Freya opened her door and smiled seeing Steve. But her smile slowly dropped seeing the look on his face. He seemed upset. Freya titled her head and slowly realized why he gave her that look.


Freya's eyes widened and she shook her head, "i-is she okay?" Freya tried to blink away the tears in her eyes. Ellie wasn't okay. That look that Steve had on his face said it all. It was easily noticeable.
"Sam went to check on her but she's missing... The dog is there though and seemed to be injected with something" Steve said. Freya covered her mouth and couldn't stop the tears. Freya wiped at her face as she breathed in and out in shaky breaths. Ellie was missing. Those three words made Freya feel angry and upset. Whoever took Ellie had a lot of guts. But Freya was going to hunt down whoever took her friend and make him or her wish they didn't do that.

Hey guys! I got some news. I'll be in St. Louis for five days😊 so exciting! I can't wait to finally get there. I'm actually on the plane right now heading for Columbus, Ohio before we get on another plane to go to Missouri~ Kenlee Faith❤️

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