29: Home

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Freya sat on the porch playing with Rosalind. The small girl sat upon her lap listening as the Asgardian Princess read softly to the child. Rosalind laid her head back against Freya and she yawned a little. Freya looked up hearing a car and she looked to the driveway seeing a white van driving toward the house. She told Rosalind to head inside but she froze seeing Steve with Ellie in his arms.
Ellie was curled up, sleeping peacefully with her head laid upon the soldier's chest. She was a lot more comfortable now. This was the real Steve. Freya's heart skipped a beat when Zemo got out of the car as well. Why was he here? Freya stepped down from the porch marching over ready to beat the crap out of Zemo.
"Don't hurt him Freya. He has some figuring out to do. Where's Tony-" Steve said but he was interrupted when the brunet billionaire came outside. Seeing Ellie in Steve's hold, the billionaire rushed over and quickly to Ellie into his own warm, comforting arms.
"Oh Ellie. I was so worried about you" Tony said hugging the teen close to him before he headed into the house. Freya sighed and she looked at Zemo, who seemed a little awkward and nervous. Zemo was scared that the team wouldn't hear him out and they would just kill him. Sure death didn't seem too bad. He would be with his wife and son, however he knew they would want him to remember them and not weep over the loss of his family.
"He knows that he did wrong" Steve said before he headed toward the house only to have a knife pressed against his throat. Freya looked at Steve, her eyes looking at him up and down.
"How do I know you're not the fake Steve? That you're not working for Zemo" the raven haired girl hissed as she pressed the blade against his neck. Steve sighed and he looked at Freya with one of those looks.
"The fake Steve is gone. He won't be bothering us for a very very long time. I promise that" Steve explained in a soft voice. Freya looked at him once more before she lowered the knife from his neck.
"You better be telling the truth," Freya said before she headed inside to find Rosalind and make her some lunch. Steve sighed and he looked at Zemo before he headed inside. Zemo followed behind and looked around as he walked.
Ellie had woken up after awhile, she rubbed at her head, remembering everything that had happened. The Fake Steve being frozen within the chamber. They were safe. All of them were safe from harm now that that fake was gone. Everything would be completely fine. Life would be fine. They could go on as normally. Plus Ellie would start school again soon. Well Tony was thinking about putting her in online school due to everything. He didn't want to risk her getting taken again by the fake Steve. He didn't need that happened ever again. The billionaire wasn't taking any chances.


The Farmhouse, Tuesday, 8:10 p.m.

"And they all lived happily ever after," Tony said softly before closing the book. He looked beside him seeing the blonde child already fast asleep, clutching her stuffed bear close to her. Tony smiled and brushed her hair out of the way before kissing her head gently. He stood up and set the book back into the bookcase before heading out of the room, closing the door behind him. Ellie's mother had to work late tonight so he was left in charge while she was gone.
Tony sighed and he headed to the kitchen, getting a bottle of beer for himself. He sat down on the couch and looked at Max as he laid in his bed. Normally Max would go upstairs and lay in bed with Ellie. Yet Max had already fallen asleep, unaware of his owner already asleep all nicely tucked in her bed.
Ellie opened her one eye slightly and she looked around her room, a small smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. She slid out of the bed and slowly headed over to her toys to play a little. She sat down and started playing, yet ended up accidentally dropping one of the toys.
Tony perked his head up and he headed upstairs. He opened the door and looked at Ellie as she was trying to climb back into bed. He leaned against the wooden doorframe and raised his eyebrow slightly as he looked at the little girl.
"You should be in bed," he stated the obvious as he looked at her. Tony walked over to her and smiled a little before sitting down on the bed, "go back to bed. You need your rest. Then when you wake up you can play all you want."
Ellie sighed and she climbed back into bed before falling back asleep with ease. Tony smiled at his accomplishment. He kissed her head and headed back down stairs. Max rushed up the steps to lay down with Ellie. Max would never leave Ellie's side...

*gasp* look! I've finally updated something for once. Jeez! I'm so sorry about not updating lately! Just school work and everything has been awful. I've been writing a lot and I get an idea for something new and start writing that which gives me more work😂 I'm such a mess- Kenlee Faith💕

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