28: Brought to Him

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Ellie woke up and looked around the room. Still at the old motel. She looked over to the other bed seeing the fake still asleep. She took the covers off of her as she began to rise out of her bed. She went over to the bag grabbing everything she needed. Snacks and clothes. She looked at the faker... He was out cold. Nothing could wake him. But just to be sure the blonde went to the bathroom and opened the window.
Ellie got out of the window and she sighed as she slipped a pair of sneakers on. She rushed toward the main building and asked to use the phone. The woman nodded and handed her the phone. Ellie quickly dialed Tony's number and she went into the back room after explaining everything to the woman at the front.
"Hello?" Tony's tired voice asked from the other end of the phone. Ellie sat in the back room on the floor thinking that the fake would find her anyway. She was more scared than ever.
"Tony... It's me, Ellie. I'm scared. Tony will you please come and get me. Track this call to find my location cause I have no idea where I am" Ellie said in a frightened tone as she looked around the room.
"Ellie! Stay where you are... I'll be there as fast as I can... Friday! Track the call right now and get my suit ready!" Tony said on the other end as Ellie heard the sound of him running around. She would be safe once he got here. She would be away from this fake Captain. But however, just right on cue, the door was kicked open causing Ellie's eyes to widen.
"Tony! Hurry up!" The blonde screamed into the phone as she looked around frantically for an escape. She rushed to the back door and rushed out with the phone in her hand. She ran as fast as she could down the road. The fake Captain right behind her.
"Ellie! Stay were you are!" Tony said on the other end of the phone. The blonde teen made a face.
"I can't do that right now!" Ellie yelled before the fake wrapped his arm around her midsection and lifted her off the ground taking the phone from her grasp. He held her tightly against him as he put the phone up to his ear.
"Sorry, Stark. Ellie can't come to the phone now" he said as he started carrying the thrashing teen back to the main building. Ellie looked around the area crying out for help but it was like everyone was deaf. There was no one around.
"Put her on the phone or I'll-"
"You'll do what? You don't want her to die, right? I have some special things planned for little Ellie here. And I don't need you and your little super freak show to come and ruin it for me" the fake said as he opened the door to the main building. Ellie saw the woman at the desk was now on the ground, unmoving and lifeless. The fake hung up the phone and he dropped it to the ground before crushing it under his foot.
The fake adjusted the blonde teen's position in his arms and he picked up the bag heading out toward the car. Ellie whimpered when his grip tightened. She kicked her legs and sighed looking down. She looked around the area wishing Tony would arrive as fast as possible. She wanted Freya. She wanted Tony. She wanted Peter. But she wanted the real Steve more.
"I told you to never try and escape but what do you do? You try and escape" the fake said as he opened the trunk of the car. Ellie didn't want to go in the trunk. She kicked her legs and pushed them against the car. She refused. The fake grumbled and moved her legs putting her into the trunk before he shut the door and locked it. He headed to the drivers seat and started on his way.

A few hours later

Zemo smiled as the fake Steve entered the building, holding Ellie against him. The teen kicked and cried out. Zemo clapped his hands with a smile and he looked at Ellie, "did you miss me, Ellie?"
Ellie didn't answer. She turned her head away from Zemo. She hated him so much. She hated him with a burning passion. Zemo smiled and patted the faker's back. He was very proud of his creation for bringing the little teen to him. He ordered Steve to put the brat into a cell.
"No," the fake said which made Zemo look at him with shock. He set down Ellie and handcuffed her to the railing of the stairs. The blonde pulled at the cuffs and she watched as the fake Steve grabbed Zemo harshly. He pushed his boss into a cell and shut the door, locking it. He looked at Zemo and smirked, "guess who's the real Captain now."
"Open this door right now!" Zemo ordered but the fake ignored him as he walked back over to Ellie. He unlocked the cuffs and brought her over to the mind wiping machine. Ellie screamed and kicked her legs out trying to kick him. She looked at Zemo and narrowed her eyes at him.
"Is this what you wanted Zemo?! To see me suffer?! After all the pain you caused me in the past?! You killed my mother! My dog!" Ellie yelled as she continued to struggle. Zemo sighed and he looked at Ellie. He saw all the pain he had caused the blonde teenager. He had done wrong. He had done a lot wrong lately. He took a deep breath and looked at Ellie.
"It's gonna be okay! I-I promise... I'll fix it... I-I can fix it" he said hoping to change the past. He wanted to make those mistakes disappear so he wouldn't have the weight upon his shoulders. He swallowed a little and thought for awhile before he yelled out to the blonde teenager, "use your powers!"
The teen nodded and she electrocuted the fake making him let her go. Ellie rushed over to the cell and unlocked the door getting Zemo out. She didn't think she would ever help Zemo escape a cell before. She was finding that a little strange. Zemo stood in front of Ellie and he looked at the fake Steve.
"You are not in control" Zemo said firmly as he stood his ground. The fake growled low and started walking forward. He was about to lunge for them but a shield came out of no where, slamming into his head. Ellie looked over to where the shield came from and there stood the real Steve. The blonde teen smiled at the soldier with excitement on her features. The blonde soldier stood there and caught his shield when it came back to him quickly. He had his suit on and everything. He put the shield onto his back and looked over to where Ellie and Zemo were.
"Steve!" Ellie said with a smile before she rushed over as fast as possible. The real Steve smiled and caught her in open arms. He hugged her tightly and kissed her head gently before looking at his copy, who was getting up from the ground. Zemo went over to the machine and shut it down so the fake couldn't use it against Ellie to wipe her past memories. The real Steve pushed the teenager behind him and he narrowed his eyes at the fake with his fists clenched at his sides.
"You've caused enough pain," Steve said with clenched teeth. The fake growled and then charged forward. The two look alikes collided and started fighting each other. Fist were flying and it was a big fight. Ellie sighed and she looked over at Zemo. She was about to say something she knew she'd regret.
"I can't believe I'm saying this... We need to work together" Ellie said and Zemo gave her a slight nod before the two rushed up the steps to the second floor to get some stuff to use. Ellie grabbed a few weapons and she nodded to Zemo, "you dump the water on him... I'll electrocute him... It should kill him."
"Water and electricity don't mix... Good job... Learn that in science class?" Zemo asked as he filled a bucket with water. Ellie chuckled and nodded slightly before she looked down from the second floor, watching the two fight. So far she didn't know who was winning.
"Stay here" she said before she jumped down from the catwalk, landing on the first floor. She kicked the back of the fake's leg causing him to groan and look at her. He smirked a little before grabbing her harshly and holding a knife to her neck. He put some distance in between them and the real Steve.
"Let her go" the real Steve said. The fake chuckled and tightened his grip on her. He smiled as he pressed the cold blade against her neck ready to cut it.
"Now why would I do that?" He asked with a smile. The real Steve looked to Ellie who had a look of fear in her eyes.
"Let her go and I'll let you get a head start in the fight. If you win... Then you erase Ellie's mind... If I win, you can never lay a hand on Ellie or anyone ever again" Steve said looking at the fake. The fake smirked a little and he let go of the blonde teenager pushing her into a cell and slamming the door shut.
"Come on Steve" Ellie said looking at the real Steve. Rogers took a deep breath and charged forward fighting against the fake version of him. In a matter of seconds, the fake Steve had the real one in a headlock. He tightened his grip and smiled down at the real Steve.
"Give up yet?" The copy asked the real one. The real Steve gasped for breath as he was held down. He looked to where Ellie was in the cell. He saw a look of hope her those blue eyes of her's... Hope... That was what he needed. He elbowed the fake Steve in the nose causing it to snap. He scrambled away just as Zemo dumped the bucket of water onto him from the second floor catwalk.
"What?!" The fake said shaking his head getting the water from his hair. He grumbled and looked up seeing Zemo. He smirked a little, "you..."
"Now Ellie!" Zemo yelled before Ellie thrust her hand out from in the cell sending a bolt of electricity at the fake version of her friend. The fake Steve yelled out feeling the electric shock go through his body. The real Steve saw his chance and he pushed the fake toward the Cyro chamber. He shoved him into it and shut the door turning it on quickly.
The fake Steve slammed his fist against the door as the air grew cold. He twitched a few times still having the electric shocks within him. Soon everything around him grew black and he was frozen in his face within the ice cold chamber. The real Steve breathed in and out looking at the now frozen copy. He looked over to where Ellie was and rushed over unlocking the cell. He rushed in and picked her up seeing that she was out of energy from using her powers.
Steve went over and grabbed a blanket wrapping the teen in it. He sat down on the floor and sighed as he held her. He looked to where the frozen one was. There was still a look in the fake's eyes that gave Steve a chill. He looked over seeing Zemo who came running down the steps at a fast pace.
"Is she okay?" He asked as he rushed over kneeling down beside the soldier. Steve sighed softly and he nodded.
"She'll be okay... Her energy just ran low from using her powers" Steve said as he moved Ellie's hair from her face. He looked at Zemo, "why'd you do this?"
"I had my head in the clouds. I was so focused on revenge that I didn't see the pain and suffering that I was causing," Zemo sighed and looked down, "now I realize that it wouldn't make me feel better... To get revenge... I thought it would make me feel a lot better but instead it made me feel worse. I understand that I belong in a prison... After everything that I've done... I deserve to be executed for my actions."
"We'll see what Ellie wants to do. But right now she needs to rest and I need to call the team to get them here. Tony is probably worried sick about Ellie. I know he is" Steve said before he stood up carrying Ellie into the cell. He laid her down on the bed and covered her up with the blanket to keep her warm. He walked out, leaving the door open so she didn't freak out.

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