22: The Ball

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Ella and Freya entered the large ballroom. People stopped talking and froze looking at the two girls. Freya smiled a little glad to be home while Ellie on the other hand felt like she was going to be sick. Her blue eyes scanned the sea of faces with nervousness spread across her features. She walked down the steps with Freya and held onto her friend's arm terrified that she might fall.
Freya chuckled when Ellie held onto her arm. She could see her friend's nervousness in the way she was looking around. Once they got to the bottom of the stairs, Freya felt her friend's grip loosen. She chuckled and looked at Ellie who had a confused and nervous look on her face. The music played softly in the background as people started dancing with their loved ones.
"You seem nervous" Freya said looking at Ellie. Freya looked over at the stairs and her mouth flew open seeing Bucky. He was handsome as usual. She smiled and walked up the steps meeting him halfway kissing his lips gently. Ellie stood at the bottom of the stairs and sighed looking around. She smiled awkwardly and gave a few people some little waves before she dashed through the crowd to where Steve was talking with Natasha over near the food table.
"What's wrong with you?" Steve asked with a soft chuckle looking at the young teenager who was now gripping tightly onto his arm. The young girl leaned against Steve's side and sighed closing her eyes a little. Her was really nervous about everything. She had been looking around for Peter but she didn't know where he was at the moment. She couldn't find Tony either.
Ellie looked at Steve and she shook her head trying to convince him that nothing was wrong even though she felt sick to her stomach. The sound of her stomach growling broke the silence and she went over getting some fruit to snack on. She put a few grapes into a bowl and sighed before she left going out to the gardens to just sit there for awhile. She wasn't a fan of parties and everything. Too many people. She sat down on the bench and sighed looked at the night sky as she snacked on the delicious grapes that were in her bowl.
"Excuse me?" Ellie heard a small voice say which made her look over to see a young girl who was much younger than her. The small girl had long brown hair and was wearing a short black dress. Ellie smiled and she scooted over on the bench patting the spot beside her gently for the little girl to come sit beside her. The girl went over and she sat down beside Ellie.
"What's your name?" Ellie asked looking at the girl. The girl had a little hint of pink to her cheeks and lips besides that her skin was as pale as snow. The girl looked at Ellie with her greenish brown eyes and she thought for awhile wondering if she should tell her, her name.
"Rosalind" the small child answered looking up at Ellie. Ellie just smiled at the small girl and gently patted her shoulder.
"I'm Ellie" she said. The girl smiled a little and she nodded in understanding. Everyone was talking about her and everyone else that had arrived to Asgard from Midgard. It was all new to little Rosalind.
"You're from Midgard, right?" The small child inquired looking to Ellie. Ellie smiled at the girl and took a breath of the rose smelling air. She looked to the child, meeting her innocent eyes with her own.
"Yes, I'm from Ea- I mean Midgard" Ellie answered. The girl's features lit up with wonder and excitement.
"What is it like?" Rosalind asked.
"It's amazing there. Asgard seems a little more advanced than Midgard though" Ellie said with a soft smile. The child returned the smile as her face was full of wonder and fascination. Ellie smiled and she continued to tell the small girl all about Midgard and what they had there. She explained so much to the girl that she had lost track of time letting the clock tick past.
"Ellie?" A familiar voice caused Ellie to look over seeing Freya. Rosalind's greenish brown eyes widened seeing the princess and she quickly got up giving the young woman a bow. Freya sent the child a smile and she looked to Ellie, "come on. It's almost past bed time." She looked at the little girl, "you should be heading home, Young One. I'm sure your family is looking for you, Darling."
Rosalind nodded quickly and she looked at Ellie giving her a small hug before she left the gardens going off to head back to her home. Ellie smiled a little watching as Rosalind left. She looked at Freya and then followed her back inside the palace. A small yawn escaped from her lips and she headed to her room.
Ellie noticed a silk white nightgown laying upon her bed. She took off her dress and headed to the bathroom to take one of those relaxing bubble baths. She sank into the bubbles and sighed closing her eyes. It felt incredible. Bubble baths were always the best thing.
Meanwhile, Freya was getting ready for bed. She stood out on the balcony looking over Asgard. Her long dark hair resting on her shoulders and she was wearing her silk nightgown that one of the servants had laid out for her. She looked to the servant who was pouring her a glass of water for the night.
"Thank you, Rowan. You can head to your chambers now" Freya said softly as she shut her balcony doors. The servant, Rowan, nodded before she left the room gently shutting the door behind her. Freya sighed and she went over taking a sip of the water. She sighed and sat down on her bed.
Freya didn't know it yet. But things were going to change. Majorly... None of them realized or knew how things were about to change. So far it seemed like everything was okay. Freya looked up seeing her brother, Thor, barge into her room. She looked at him confusingly.

"Zemo escaped."

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