04: New York

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Ellie rolled over in her sleep and blinked her eyes open. She look at the window and frowned seeing sunlight pouring in through the curtains. She got up and stretched before letting out a small yawn. She rubbed at her eyes before she got out of bed and went over to her closet. She picked out some clothes before she went to the bathroom and took a shower.
After the shower, Ellie got dressed and brushed her teeth before she did her hair. Then she headed downstairs to go make some breakfast for her and Freya. Max followed down the steps after Ellie. She would always give him some bacon in the morning. He liked bacon. He really liked bacon. Ellie made the best bacon and eggs.
Freya rolled over in her sleep and opened her eyes. She looked around the room realizing that last night was no dream. All of it was real. Ellie was real. Max was real. It was all real. She had been banished from her home. She sighed and looked over at the sticky note that was sticking to the pillow. She took the sticky note off and saw a little note in Ellie's handwriting.

Dear Freya,
There is a outfit outside your door. Plus I put little sticky notes down the hall leading to the bathroom for you to get a shower and ready for the day. It's going to be a lot of fun today.


Freya smiled at the little note and got out of the bed. She had to admit it was a pretty comfortable bed. She opened the door and smiled seeing the outfit by the door. She picked it up and followed the sticky notes to the bathroom to take her shower and get ready for the day. A day full of adventure and discovery. She would be seeing a whole new world.
Ellie fried up some bacon and made some scrambled eggs. She dropped some bacon on the floor for Max who licked it all up in one lick. Max was a pretty big dog. He ate his food rather quickly. Ellie got the plates and hummed to herself as she put the food on the plates and set the table. She wondered if Freya was awake yet. If she wasn't it would've been okay. She would like to sleep in at times too.
Freya got out of the shower and dried off before she got dressed and did her hair before she brushed her teeth with a spare toothbrush that Ellie had given her. Ellie was a very nice person. She couldn't believe Ellie had agreed to help her and give her a place to stay until she could get home. Once Freya was ready, she headed downstairs and took in the amazing smell of bacon and eggs. It smelled amazing.
"Good morning, Freya. I made some breakfast" Ellie said pouring themselves some orange juice. Freya smiled and went over taking a seat at the kitchen table. The food looked amazing. She really couldn't wait to try it. She picked up the piece of bacon and took a bite.
"Where has bacon been all my life?" Freya asked making Ellie laugh. Freya continued to eat her breakfast that Ellie had made for her. It was really good, "you're a great cook, Ellie. You could put all the chefs on Asgard to shame."
"Thank you. My mom use to be a pretty good cook but she only cooked on really special events... Like my birthday or any other holiday" Ellie answered sitting down at the table and started eating her breakfast, "we normally go down to Nellie's for breakfast."
"Nellie's?" Freya asked not knowing what Ellie meant. She never really heard of Nellie's since she was from Asgard. Ellie looked at Freya realizing that Freya didn't even know what Nellie's was.
"It's a diner down the street. Maybe sometime we can go there" Ellie said with a small smile before she finished eating her breakfast. She placed her plate in the sink and drank the rest of her orange juice. She cleaned off her plate a little bit so there wasn't a lot of left over food still on the plate. Ellie went over to the living room and grabbed her bag.
Freya finished her food and put it into the sink with Ellie's plate. Freya slipped on a pair of shoes that Ellie had given her. Ellie went over to Freya and French braided her hair real quick. Freya liked having Ellie as a friend. Ellie let Freya stay with her even though she was from a different world. Ellie didn't mind that Freya was different than most people that she knew.
Ellie finished braiding Freya's black hair and smiled in victory. It looked great. She smiled before she patted Max's head gently telling him they would be back soon. Ellie opened the door and the two of them exited the house. Max followed them out through the doggy door and sat on the porch watching them leave. His large tail thumped against the wooden porch as he watched.
Ellie and Freya walked down the driveway to go down the street and get on a bus. As they walked, Ellie pointed to the barn and explained to Freya that there was a cow in there named Betty. Betty was the best cow ever. When Ellie was little if she wasn't inside or playing with Max she would be in the barn with Betty. Betty was very nice to the people she liked. Tony wasn't one of those people.
Back when Ellie was five and Tony was dating Ellie's mom, Ellie went outside with Tony and went to the barn. Tony wasn't really use to the farm life but he decided to sit on the gate. That was a really bad decision for Tony. Betty noticed him sitting there and that made her upset so she rammed into the gate causing Tony to fall backward and into a pile of mud. It wasn't really mud but Tony ended up smelling for a few hours even though he took like five showers. Ellie of course thought it was hilarious.
Freya and Ellie got to the bus stop after they walked a little bit down the street. Freya looked around at the little neighborhood that Ellie lived in. It wasn't too far from the city. You could see the city if you climbed the highest tree in Ellie's backyard. Ellie was a wild child at times. She liked getting down and dirty. She wasn't one to get upset if mud or dirt got on her. Ellie was the kind of kid that would start a mud fight.
Once the bus showed up, Ellie paid for her and Freya to get on before they found a seat on the bus. Ellie had let Freya have the window seat since it was Freya's first time on a bus. Ellie wanted Freya to see the city too. Ellie set her bag on the seat that was on the other side of her. She just hoped they wouldn't run into Tony Stark. She didn't want to see him in person.
"So... What's the story about you and Stark?" Freya asked looking at Ellie. Ellie sighed and laid her head back against the seat before she looked at Freya.
"Well... Tony and my mom were together for a good while. Four weeks. I was five years old when all of it happened" Ellie explained, "he left my mom and me. I thought he was nice sometimes. Other times I wished he would get out of our lives. There were news reports that said he was using us to get farther with fame. Everyone loves seeing celebrities with little kids. Tony explained to us that it wasn't true but then he left for some odd reason."
"Oh" Freya said as she nodded slightly in understanding. So that meant that Ellie's father and mother maybe split up when Ellie was younger. Somewhere around three because in the pictures Freya had noticed the dad was no longer in any of the pictures at Ellie's third birthday party. Maybe the dad took the little baby boy with him as well. It was all very interesting. Freya didn't really want to ask any questions and make Ellie upset.
Freya didn't know that much but she knew a good bit from looking at those photos. She felt bad for looking through those photos though. It was like going through someone's personal belongings. But Freya needed to know more so she could trust Ellie. She didn't want to be staying at someone's house and she knew nothing about that person. Ellie was nice and Freya didn't want to ruin the friendship they were starting to have. She liked having Ellie as a friend.
Freya looked at Ellie as if Ellie was her little sister. Ellie was probably a year younger than Freya. Plus she was much shorter than her as well. Ellie was at least 5,3. Freya was most likely 5,6. Ellie was fifteen years old and Freya was sixteen. But yet if they were the same age people may mistake them as almost twins... Only if they both had the same hair color. Ellie had short blonde hair while Freya had long raven black hair. Ellie had blue eyes and Freya had green.
The bus stopped and made a little screeching sound that made Freya snap out of her thoughts. She looked out the window and gasped seeing all the tall buildings. She pressed her face against the glass and looked around with excitement on her face. She was actually in New York. She had never been in the city. Well she had never been on Earth in general. Ellie chuckled seeing Freya look around with excitement. Freya looked like a child in a candy store.
Ellie smiled and stood up grabbing her bag. She looked at Freya with a smile, "are you coming or are you going to keep looking out the window instead of actually stepping outside?"
Freya shot up from her seat before her and Ellie left the bus. Freya looked around in shock with the biggest smile on her face. Ellie chuckled and shook her head looking at Freya. Her and Freya started walking through the busy bunch of people around them. Most of the people were probably heading to work. Ellie walked down the street with Freya beside her. Ellie took her favorite camera from her bag. She could get the pictures printed out for Freya to take home. Ellie's favorite camera was a Kodak 35 RF Rangefinder.
Ellie snapped a picture of Time Square for Freya. She knew the Freya would want some pictures to take back to Asgard with her. It was Freya's first time in New York so Ellie wanted to make the best of it. Ellie smiled and turned the camera around getting a picture of her and Freya together. Freya smiled for the picture that Ellie took of them. It was a pretty nice picture. Ellie loved taking pictures. She liked photography. Her mom had bought her the camera when she was seven.
Ellie and Freya headed into some of the stores at Time Square. Freya was having a great time. She was looking through all the merchandise that she could take back home to remember her trip to New York. Ellie and Freya went to some of the expensive stores and just tried on some expensive dresses and took pictures of each other. They didn't buy anything since the stuff was for rich people. Ellie liked a lot of the dresses that they had tried on. Maybe one day when she has enough money she would come back and buy one of them.
Freya and Ellie started heading toward Central Park but Freya saw a vendor that was selling something very pretty. She walked over and looked at the different ones. She took some money that Ellie had given her and bought one of them. She smiled and grabbed a wire sticking it through a hole making it into a necklace. It was perfect. She put it around her neck and smiled at Ellie.
Just as they were about to leave the vendor, the sound of cameras flashing and people yelling questions at someone made Ellie turn around. Ellie frowned and looked back at the person they were taking pictures of and asking questions to. Ellie sighed and walked forward without a word. Freya looked over at the man before following Ellie as fast as she could.
"Who is that?" Freya asked looking at Ellie wondering why her friend was walking so fast. Then Freya realized why Ellie was walking fast. Freya looked back at the famous billionaire as he got through the crowd of paparazzi people and made his way down the street. The one and only Tony Stark was walking right behind them...

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