100 Years Ago

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Aidan's POV

I knew that something was wrong in Narnia. But my sister and I are 17 years old, and we have mastered our powers. But there is a winter storm heading our way. And Aniera did not create it. To be honest, I am a little worried.

Aslan's POV

The White Witch is coming. Jadis wants my land. I don't know how I am going to protect it. But I have to send my kids away. Maybe one of my old friends from the human world can help. 

I just told my children the news and they were shocked and sad. I would miss them terribly and I would always remember them. But they won't remember me. I have shrunken them down to newborn age so that they would not remember anything about Narnia for their own safety. But my gifts to them will help them through their journey. I think Samantha just found them on her doorstep. I know that she will take my kids and raise them beautifully.

Aidan & Aniera: Children of AslanWhere stories live. Discover now