The Secret Police & Talking Beavers

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Aidan's POV

So we've been walking through Narnia while Lu has been telling us about Mr. Tumnus. Then I looked at Susan. She is so smart and beautiful. I think I even like her. Then I saw Aniera looking at me with a playful smirk. I really hope that she forgives me. I really don't know if she actually forgives Peter. When we were at school before we were home schooled, Aniera had a lot of bullies. The reason why was because of her imagination and her white streaks. She would write beautiful fantasy stories and sometimes believes them. I really hope that she will forgive Peter.

Aniera's POV

I am so sure that my twin likes Susan. I mean, he would take glances at her all the time. But Peter, he is something. I took a glance at him. He is so cute. And his personality is magnificent. I think I like Peter. As I walked, I almost slipped on ice. I wonder why I never slip on ice or snow. And I don't really get cold. Same with Aidan. He won't really get that warm. And he doesn't get fevers and I don't get cold's. Then I looked at Ed. There was something up about him. I wonder what.

"And we will have lots and lots of nice....." Then Lu just stopped talking. Then she started to run. We all called after her and stopped at a house. Mr. Tumnus's house. It was all in shambles. 

"Who would do something like this?" Asked Lu. 

"Look, there's a note," I pointed out. Then Peter grabbed the note and read it.

"The faun, Tumnus, is here by charged with high treason against the Imperial Majesty, Jadis Queen of Narnia, for countering with enemies and fraternizing with humans. Signed Maugrim, Captain of the Secret Police. Long Live the Queen." Then Susan took it and said,

"Now we really should be heading back."

"What about Mr. Tumnus?" Lu asked.

"Well there is nothing we can do. If he was arrested for just being with a human there is nothing we can really do." Stated Susan logically.

"Maybe we can call the police," suggested Peter.

"These are the police," reminded Susan. 

"Why should we do anything? I mean he is a criminal!" Said Edmund. Then we all heard a psst.

"Did that bird just psst us?" asked Susan when she saw a bird. Then the bird flew away. Then we went outside. And we heard rustling from bushes. We all were a little scared. Then we saw a beaver.

"It's a beaver," said Lu. Then Peter approached the beaver. He clicked his tongue and reached for the animal. Then the beaver spoke!

 "Well I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want!" Lu, Aidan, and I laughed while the others stared with a shocked expression. Then it spoke again. "Lucy Pevensie?"

"Yes?" Lu asked. Then the beaver took out a handkerchief. Then Lu said, "Hey, that's the hankey I gave Mr. -"

"Tumnus," the beaver finished. "He got it to me before they took him." 

"Is he alright?"Lu asked. Then the beaver told us, further in. So Lu, Peter, Aidan, and I followed but were stopped by Susan.

"What are you doing? How do you know that we can trust him?"

"Yeah," supported Edmund.

"He said he knows the faun," said Aidan. 

"He's a beaver! He shouldn't be saying anything!" Stated Susan. Then the beaver asked if everything was okay. And we told him that we were just talking. Then he said that that should be left for safer quarters.

"He means the trees," explained Lu. So we all followed him. Then we approached a dam after a while.

"Ah blimey! Looks like the old girl's got a pale of tea (I couldn't understand that last word), a nice cup of rosy lee!" said Mr. Beaver

"It's lovely," admired Lu. Then we all kept going. Then we saw a female beaver. 

"Beaver? Is that you? I've been worried sick! If I find out that you were with badger again I"ll- oh, I'd never thought that I'd live to see the day! Look at my fur, you couldn't give me a 10 minute warning!" said Mrs. Beaver.

"I'd give you a week if that would help then we all went inside. 

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