Grandfather's Talk

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Aniera's POV

I was sleeping peacefully with my necklace around my neck until Lucy jumped on me. She told me that Narnia was actually there. Then we went to the boys' room. Then Lucy jumped on Peter.

"Wake up it's there. Narnia is real!"

"Lucy you must've been dreaming," Susan stated at the doorway.

"I wasn't and this time Edmund went with me." Lucy said excitedly.

"You saw the faun?(Mr. Tumnus)" Asked Peter to Edmund.

"He didn't actually see Mr. Tumnus he- wait what were you doing there Ed?" Asked Lucy.

"I was just playing along. I shouldn't have encouraged her. You know how little kids are these days. They don't know when to stop pretending." Said Edmund with a smirk. Then Lucy ran out of the room crying. Then we all ran to her but she bumped into Grandfather and hugged him like a teddy bear.

"You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping in the stables!" Mrs. Macready started but then saw the professor. "Oh Professor, I told them you weren't to be disturbed."

Then the professor replied, "I'm sure there's an explanation but I think that this one needs a bit of hot chocolate." Then Lucy left with Mrs. Macready. "You four, in my office please." So we all went into his office.

"You four have disrupted the internal balance of my house keeper." Grandfather said.

"It won't happen again sir." Peter said while trying to leave.

"It's our sister sir." Susan said.

"The weeping one." Said the professor.

"Yes sir, she's upset." Susan replied.

"Hence the weeping."

Aidan's POV

Then my sister said,  "Lucy found a forest in the upstairs wardrobe and I believe her."

I looked at her like she has gone mad.

Then the professor asked, "What did you say?" Then she repeated what she said.

"What was it like?" The professor asked.

"Like talking to a lunatic." Susan stated.

"No, no, no. Not her, the forest." Corrected the professor.

"You believe them, Grandfather?" I asked.

"Of course, don't you?"

"Edmund said that he and Lucy were only pretending." Said Peter.

"But is he the more truthful one?"

"No but it would be a first." Peter replied.

"But logically it's impossible." Stated Susan.

"What do they teach in schools these days? If they're not mad or lying then logically  we must assume that they are telling the truth. You're family, you should try acting like one.

Then we all went to bed. But I couldn't sleep. I mean Aniera is my sister. My younger sister by 10 seconds. Maybe I should believe her.

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