Meeting the Pevensies & Going to the Mansion

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Aidan's POV

We were at the train station saying goodbye to Aunt Samantha. We were going to miss her. Once we said our final goodbye, we went onto the train early so that the goodbye would be easier and we would get seats. Aniera took a book with her about twins (this is a fake book). She claims that her white hair is impossible to have when no one has that kind of hair in the family. Then 4 kids came in. The youngest was a little girl with short brown hair and an adorable face. She looked like she was 8. Then the second youngest was a boy. He had dark hair and a scowl on his face. He looked like he was 10. Then the second oldest was a very pretty girl. She had dark hair like her younger brother with pale skin. She looked like she was our age. Then the oldest was a boy. He had blonde hair and he looked like he was 13. They all took the seats across from us. Then the youngest girl spoke up after the train moved.

"Hello I am Lucy Pevensie. And these are my siblings Edmund, Susan, and Peter." She said pointing to the older kids youngest to oldest. Edmund was the one with the scowl. And Peter was the oldest. And Susan was the beautiful one. Then I spoke up.

"H I am Aidan Kirke. And this is my twin sister---," 

Aniera's POV

I was listening to the conversation between the 4 kids and my brother. Then I almost yelled,

"This is impossible!" Then I noticed that Aidan was about to introduce me. "I am sorry about that. I am Aniera Kirke. (An-ye-ra.)"

Then Susan asked," Why did you yell?" 

I answered, "I was looking up facts about twins. I don't get that I have natural white streaks in my hair and Aidan doesn't have any." So we all talked about stuff for the rest of the ride. Then Peter asked,

"Is your dad at war?" I didn't really know how to answer that.

"Actually we never met our parents. We have lived with our aunt ever since we were born." I replied.

"Oh, sorry to ask." Peter said.

"It's fine," I replied. Then our stop came. But what really surprised me that the Pevensies got their stuff too. It turns out that we were all staying with Grandfather.

A few minutes later

Aniera's POV

We have been waiting for Grandfather forever. It has been a while now. Then Mrs. Macready came.

Peter stepped forward and asked,"Mrs. Macready?"

"I am afraid so. Is this it? Have you brought anything else?" Mrs. Macready asked.

"No it is just us," Peter replied. Then we were on our way to Grandfather's home. 

A few minutes later

Aidan's POV

When we got to the house, it was HUGE!!! It was so big! Then we got inside. Mrs. Macready has been explaining all the rules and she yelled out no touching the artifacts when Susan was about to touch one. So then we all separated to our rooms. I was sharing with the boys and the girls were sharing a room. Then soon it was night. And we all went into the girls room. 

"The sheets feel scratchy," said Lucy.

"Don't worry, wars don't last forever. We will be home soon." Soothed Susan.

"Yeah, if home is still there," said Edmund smugly. You could tell that Susan was annoyed.

"Isn't it time you were in bed?" She asked.

"Yes mum!" Said Edmund. Then Peter scolded Ed.

"Don't worry, this place is huge. We can do whatever we want. Tomorrow will be great, I promise." Peter said. Then we all left the room to get some sleep.

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