The River & Father?

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Aniera's POV
"Well things do pile up when you have been gone a hundred years. And winter is almost over. Long live Aslan. And Merry Christmas!" Father Christmas said as he left. Then we all said our thanks, goodbyes, and Merry Christmas.
"He said that winter was almost over. Do you know what that means? No more ice!" Peter pointed out.
One we got to the river, it was almost completely melted.
"We have to cross now!" Peter yelled.
"We have to think about this for a second!" Susan opposed.
"We don't have a minute!"
"I'm just trying to be logical."
"No you're trying to be smart, like usual!" Peter fired back. We all made it to the bottom but when we took our first step on the ice, it cracked.
"Maybe I should go first," suggested Mr. Beaver. As he tried to find the strongest patches of ice, we heard howling. We looked up and saw the Secret Police.
"Run!" Screamed Aidan. So we all ran to try to get to the other side but the wolves blocked our way. Mr. Beaver tried to scare them off but one of the wolves grabbed him. Peter, Aidan, and I drew out our swords.
"You'd better put those swords down kids. Someone might get hurt," Maugrim said. "All my queen wants is for you to take your family and go. Although you must leave those twins here."
"Stop Peter maybe we should listen to him." Susan said. Are you insane, Susan?!? Mr. Beaver kept telling Peter to gut Maugrim while he had the chance.
"I won't wait forever Son of Adam. And neither will the river." Maugrim warned. Then the waterfall started to break.
"Hold onto me!" Screamed Peter as he stabbed his sword into the ice. I sheathed my sword and held onto him with my right and Lu with my left. Then the waterfall broke and we were submerged with water. Then we came up to the surface of the water. I felt Lu fall into the water and I dived in for her. I swam in the icy water but I wasn't really that cold. Then I saw her. I grabbed her and swam to the shore.
"Aniera, thank you."
"Of course, I would do anything for you and your family." And I heard the others yell for us.
"Has anyone seen my coat?" Asked Lu. Then they all hugged us.
"I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore," said Mrs. Beaver as we saw a tree blooming with petals. On our way towards the camp we told everyone what happened.
Aidan's POV
I couldn't believe my sister! She was amazing. I couldn't be more prouder. Then we saw the camp. And we heard a horn.
"Why are they all staring at us?" Asked Susan.
"Maybe they think you look funny," jokingly said Lu. Then we approached the biggest tent. I saw Peter raise his sword.
"We've come to see Aslan." Then everyone bowed. Then a large and majestic lion came out. Next the Pevensies bowed except for my sister and I. And suddenly I remembered everything. And the biggest memory was that my father was standing right in front of us. Then us twins ran up to him and hugged him. We have finally found our father. Then we all told him about what had happened and we all got our tents to share and got dressed.

Aidan & Aniera: Children of AslanWhere stories live. Discover now