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Aniera's POV
We were all outside today but Lu and I were making flower crowns. I just finished mine for Lu. She loved it. Then I started to draw a pretty tree. I picked up drawing ever since we've been here at the professor's. Then I heard a loud crash. The ball that the others were playing with crashed into a window. So we all ran into the house. We discovered an armor was on the ground.

"What's going on up there?" Mrs. Macready called.

"The Macready!" Susan whisper- yelled.

So we all took off to go hide somewhere. But almost all the doors that weren't usually locked were locked. But we found the room with the wardrobe.

"Come on," urged Edmund.

" You've got to be kidding me," said Susan.

We all climbed into the wardrobe and yelled things like,

"Stop pushing!"

"You're on my toe!"

"I'm not on your toe!"

Then Aidan, Susan, and Peter fell onto the snow and looked around in astonishment.

Then Peter got up and told Lu, " I guess saying sorry wouldn't be enough."

"No it wouldn't," Lu started," But that might!" She yelled as she threw a snowball at Peter's face. I was laughing so hard.

"Oh you think that this is funny?" Peter asked with a snowball in his hand.

"Peter, did you know that I am an expert at martial arts? If you throw that at me, I will kill you!" I threatened.

"Maybe I shouldn't," Peter said," But I'll dunk it on you!" Peter dunked a bunch of snow on me.

"That's it! I rule at snowball fights!" Then everyone started to throw snowballs at each other. It all stopped when Susan hit Ed.

"You little liar!" Peter scolded. " Apologize to them right now!" But Ed kept quiet. "Say you're sorry!"

Alright! I'm sorry." I knew he didn't mean it though.

"Shouldn't we be heading back?" Susan asked a little worried.

"Lets explore first." Said Edmund.

"But we can't go dressed like this!" Said Susan.

"No but we could use these coats." Said Aidan.

"And logically  we aren't taking them out of the wardrobe," said Peter as Aidan handed me my coat and whispered, sorry. Then we all went to go see Mr. Tumnus.

Aidan & Aniera: Children of AslanWhere stories live. Discover now