Training & The Witch

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Aniera's POV

YES!!!!! Finally someone else who wants to practice other than my brother. Right now I am showing her how to shoot some arrows. I made my own ice bow and arrows, and aimed. I believed that I could do it and I let it fly. Bullseye!!! Then she tried. It hit a few lines above the center. Then we saw a dagger hit bullseye. It was Lu! Wow she was good. Then we heard horses. We saw our brothers riding on horses fighting each other. But I kind of giggled when I saw Pete on a unicorn.

"Wow you look so fierce Peter," I said jokingly to Peter.

"Seriously?" He said. I laughed. Then I saw all of the other Pevensies and my brother smirk. I rolled my eyes. Then I whistled. My snow white horse, Snowflake, came running to me. I got up on it and said,

"Do you want a challenge, Pevensies? My brother and I against you two boys. Unless you're scared."

"Oh no, we aren't scared." Peter said. But Ed's face said, we are scared! Then we all started to fight. I was against Peter. He was good for a beginner but that was until he made a terrible move. He tried to thrust me to the side but his aim was so off. Then I quickly disarmed him. Aidan did the same. Then we all saw Mr. Beaver come towards us. Ed's horse got spooked.

"Woah horsey," said Ed.

"My name is Philip," the horse said.


"The Witch is here and she demanded a meeting with the Aslan!" Said Mr. Beaver frantically. Then I jumped off Snowflake and transformed into a lion and ran along side my brother.

Aidan's POV

I was scared. Not just for me but for Father. Then we all got to the sight. There was a dwarf right there leading the Witch's ogres and a few guards.

"Make way for the Queen of Narnia!" It said. Then Aniera and I yelled among the others yelling,
"She isn't the queen!" Then Jadis got off her throne.
"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan."
"His offense was not against us," said Father. (I don't remember if that was right.)
"Have you forgotten the rules of Deep Magic? Aslan knows that every traitor is my property. If you refuse Narnia shall perish with water and fire." Jadis said. "That boy will die on the stone table, as tradition."
"Try and take him then," Peter said as us knights drew our swords.
"Do you think that a mere force would stop me, little King. Oh, the prince and princess are back. I remember how I almost destroyed you two." The Witch said.
"Enough! I shall talk to you alone," Father growled.
"Only if your children join us," Jadis replied. Then Dad motioned for us to come along. Us twins looked back at the Pevensies and went into the tent. Then Dad said that he would take Ed's place.
"No we will take his place Dad," opposed Aniera. But it didn't work. And it was agreed that Dad would take Ed's place. Then we all walked out of the tent.
"She has come to an agreement. The son of Adam's blood will be spared." Father said.
"How do I know that your promise will be kept?" Jadis asked. Then my twin and I turned into lions and roared along with dad. So she sat down in fear. All the Narnians cheered. But dad was sad and all we were too.

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