My Boss - Episode 6

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*insert ringtone* || Your POV

He got off of me and grabbed his phone.

"Yes, hello Mr. Kim?", he answered the phone.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Kim. What about tonight?", it must be his meeting. God i forgot, his appointment in Japan.

What time is it? I searched for my phone.

"Great. I'll see you tonight Mr. Kim. Once again sorry.", he said and hanged up. At the same time he turned his body to me.

Me, who was searching the whole place for my phone.

"Are you looking for this?", he speaked up which made me look to him.

"Yah, give me my phone.", i walked towards him and tried to grab my phone but instead he extended his hands up.

"And how dare you talk to me informally?", he raised his left eyebrow. I just rolled my eyes trying to grab my phone.

"I'm gonna kick your balls, sir.", i gave him a death glare and i just received a smirk from him.

Okay, why is he acting like this? I thought he was getting cold? Didn't he forgot about what happened and that he still is my boss?

That's it.

"Aww! What was that for?", he groaned in pain and touched his chest. Yes, I punched his chest.

"I meant it. Just give me my phone, boss.", i said the last word in a bit high note.

"Get it if you want.", he soon got recovered from the "pain" i gave him and ran away from my sight.

"Yah! Come back here, i'm just asking politely!", i shouted at him. Seems like he doesn't want to listen.

I ran after to him and he stopped. I tried grabbing my phone from his hand but he kept moving it here and there.

Then he hid it behind his back and i went to grabbed it but it turned out that I accidentally hugged him.

I looked up at him since i was already facing his tummy. That's how low the hug was.

At the same time he was looking at me, no, it was more like he staring. Then suddenly we held up a staring contest.

My phone suddenly rang and i took the chance to grab it and I succeed.

"Hello?", I answered.

"Yah, Y/N-ah! Where have you been? I've been calling you for like thousand times and not answering.", there i head a scolding guy sounded like a grandpa.

I distance the phone out from my ear before i could turn into a deaf person. When I didn't her anything anymore, I pulled it closer to my ear. But right when i pulled it back, he shouted again.

I sighed and did what i regret when i see him. I hanged up.

"Yoongi?", i heard Jimin, who was still half naked behind me, which I didn't know.

I turned my face to him, not noticing he was naked while i was on my phone.

"Bathroom is right behind you. The first door you see when you turn around, that's the bathroom.", he said while I slightly nod, still my eyes glued on my screen.

"Are you listening?", he said and made me to look at him. As i looked at him...

"What the- Jimin! You're fucking naked. Cover yourself!", I screamed while covering my eyes with my small hands and then i heard him chuckling.

"What? This is my house. Now don't act like a brat and get these clothes. Go the bathroom and do your thing. We still have to flight to Japan by tonight.", he threw the clothes he was holding and i catched it perfectly.

"Still acting like a boss even outside work. Tss!", i murmured under my breath while walking to first door i see.

"Did you said something?", Jimin asked and I immediately walked in the first door that i could see.

When i was inside...

"Jimin! This is not the bathroom?!", i shouted from inside.

I immediately went out the the room. It was his closet.

"I didn't mean that door, i meant that door.", he pointed at the other door.

"You said first door.", i argued.

"I said when you turned around and immediately the first door but instead, you walked further. Airhead.", he said but i swear i heard him murmuring the last word. I shyly went to door and did my things to do.

30 minutes later || Jimin's POV

"Hello? Are you done?", i knocked to door where she was, 30 minutes ago.

But she doesn't answer. It's too long.

"Y/N? Are you there or you passed away?", i joked but i didn't hear noises.

"You have your period or something?", I joked again, hoping she would respond.

"Jimin?", she responded, finally.

"What? Come out i need to brush my tee-"

"I'm having my period.", is she joking?

"You what?!", I shockingly shouted.

"What do you want me to do?", i said worriedly.

"I-i need na-napki-", before she could finish her words, i cutted her.

"Aishhh, you need napkins?", i messed ny hair out of annoyance.

"Ye-yeah...", she shyly talked. I sighed and slicked my pride.

I mean which guy would go to the store and standing in front of lots of napkins and buying them in the cashier. People looking weird at you?

"Well if you don't wa-"

"Fine, i'll go get it. Stay there.", i have to, who else is gonna get it?

"O-okay.", she weakly said.

"I'll be back.", i said and went to dress myself before going out the house along with my phone and wallet.


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