My Boss - Episode 15

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Skip sunday... || Your POV

Time to go to work again. It's now 8 o'clock in the morning. I'm going to walk and grab my breakfast by the nearby café as usual.

After putting my shoes on, i grabbed my bag and keys before getting out of the house.

I made my way to the nearby café and ordered coffee and bread on the way. 5 minutes later, my order was done and continued on walking to my work.

On the way, i ate my bread and drank my coffee. I finished it on time because i already reached my work.

I entered the building and took my ID from my bag and scanned it on the machine to get inside. Silently walking to the elevator, I heard someone shouting my name.

"Y/N~, wait for me.", I looked back and it was my boss, Jimin. What's wrong with him? Didn't we 'fought'? And why the fudge is he calling with my name and not with my last name?

I just shrugged it off and clicked on the button. While he was running to my way with a small plastic bag that he was holding.


The elevator went open and i entered, not planning to wait for him. But too late, he arrived on time and a smile is flashing on his face.

"Goodmorning.", he said.

"Goodmorning CEO-nim.", i bowed politely.

"Sorry i didn't know it was you, i have a problem with my eyes.", i 'apologized'.

"It's okay.", he answered and catches his breath back.

Then i clicked 5th floor.

"Here.", he handed me the bag that he was holding.

I cluelessly held it without looking at it. He then looked at me and chuckled.

"Aren't you going to open it?", he asked and i looked at him blankly.

"It's for you.", he said.

"For me?", i asked clueless.

"Yes, it's for you.", he smiled. Why is he smiling like that, it scares me.

"What about you CEO-nim?", what does he want now?

"No, i already ate.", he replied.

"Oww, thank you CEO-nim.", I politely bowed and he flashed a smile.

"Haven't seen that for a while.", i murmured but i guess he heard me.

"Did you said something?", he looked at me.

"Nothing, CEO-nim.", I awkwardly smiled.


We finally reached the 5th floor. I waited until he comes out but he didn't walk.

"You can go first.", he spoke up.

"You should go first, CEO-nim.", i refused.

"No, you can go first.", he said and extended his arms to the door.

"Aniyo, you canㅡ", the door closed. We looked at each other and clicked on the 'open' button but it didn't work.

Instead, it started moving. It was going down. We looked again at each other and both of us laughed.


The door went open and we stopped talking. We looked at the door and we saw Yoongi.

"Oh, oppa.", i smiled as he walked in , standing beside me. Now i'm standing between them. His smile fade away when he saw Jimin and so did Jimin.

"Morning Y/N-ah.", he greeted but without emotion. I went to click "5" to go 5th floor and the door closed.

The whole time, no one dared to talk. Luckily we reached 5th floor very quick, Jimin and i walked out the elevator as Yoongi went up to 7th floor since his office is there.

Jimin walked to his office as i walked to my workplace. Jiwon was already on her workplace. I greeted her and she greeted me back.

*ring ring*

The phone was ringing, probably Mr. Park.

"Yes, Mr. Park.", i answered the phone.

"Come to my office.", he said and he ended the line before i could say anything back.

I had nothing to do not obey his order since he's my boss so i obeyed and walked to his office.

"Yes, siㅡ", soon as i entered his office, my lips were attacked by a soft plumpy lips.

My eyes grew 10 times bigger due to the shock that got into me. I tried to push him away with all of my power but instead, he snaked his arms around my body and pulled me closer.

His kiss were still the same, sweet and full of passion. One says that i had to stop him but one says that i should let him and kiss back.

I choose the last one and kissed him back. I put my arms around his neck and we exchanged kisses. Our body moved in sync, he took a grip of my waist and managed to lift me up.

On the other side... || Autor's POV

"Jiwon-shi, where is Y/N?", he asked

"She went in Mr. Park's office.", Jiwon responded and he walked straight to Jimin's office.

"Ah, gumawo (thank you).", he thanked Jiwon and made his way to Jimin's office.

He first knocked on his office but no one gave an answer. He leaned his ears against the door and he sure is not deaf. He could hear moans echoing in Jimin's office.

His blood was boiling, a fist was formed on his hand, his heart was beating fast. He opened the door and...


! Cliffhanger !

What will 'the mysterious guy' see as he opens the door? Find that out at "My Boss"!

Don't forget to vote and comment/leave feedback :) See you soon!

-jimination 💖

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