Get Crazy {DeanxRoman}

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-Roman's POV-

"Alright, well I'll catch up with you guys later." I patted Jey's back solidly and nodded shortly at Jimmy.

"We still on for a couple rounds at the bar tonight? I won a bet with Jimmy so he's buying." Jey grinned and elbowed his cousin who stood to his left, feigning a scowl. I huffed, smiling softly.
"Naturally. I'll meet you out back after the show's over."


Smackdown had started about an hour ago. I was walking to my locker-room to pick up the rest of my stuff as I wasn't needed for the rest of the night after a short segment with my cousins.
I pulled my hair back into a tight bun and sighed, pushing open the door to my room. Everything was neat and tidy. Just how I like it. And just the opposite to how Dean's locker-room would be at any given time.

I'd cleaned his room for him on numerous occasions, yet he managed to return it to it's messy state within a couple of hours almost every time. I caught myself half-smiling at the thought of his guilty face looking up at me from his filthy room.

Shaking my head, I zipped my bag shut. I was pretty sure Dean was done for the night so I planned to find him and ask if he wanted to join Jimmy, Jey and I for a couple of drinks.
Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to watch Dean's opening of the show tonight due to the inconvenient timing of the promo recording. I was sure it had went smoothly though. Dean rarely had trouble holding his own.

I pulled the door shut and made my way down the corridor, looking down at my phone and making turns without the need to look up. I'd walked to Dean's room countless times.

Turning a sharp corner, I felt someone crash into my shoulder and then heard them stumble back.
"Shit-" I glanced up from my phone and saw Sami rubbing his upper arm. He looked into my eyes and his expression softened, making him look slightly upset. "Have you seen Dean since..."

His voice trailed off whilst I stared at him blankly.
"Since?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Sami looked confused.
"Were you not watching the show earlier?" He tilted his head, slightly resembling a puppy when they hear a sound they don't quite understand.

I started panicking, feeling the blood draining from my face.
"What happened? Where is he?" I didn't wait for an answer and quickly side-stepped Sami, heading briskly to Dean's room.

As soon as I reached the door, I grasped at the handle and swung the door open. My eyes scanned the room and soon I found myself gripping onto the doorframe to keep myself up.

Dean was curled up in the corner with his eyes and cheeks red and soaked with tears. My gaze fell to his torso. His arms were pulled awkwardly around his chest and secured in place.
With a straight-jacket.
I physically felt the anger rise up inside of me. Forcing myself to hold it down, I promptly shut the door and hurried to Dean's side.

If Dean was making any attempt to mask his loud sobbing, it wasn't working. He sniffled and wailed and flinched away from me when I reached out to him. I felt my heart aching in my chest. I hadn't seen Dean like this since the night Seth left. After that, he told me he'd never let somebody get to him like Seth had.

I quickly turned Dean around and unfastened the brown, leather straps which kept his arms tied behind his back. My hatred towards whoever did this to him threatened to spill over, but I forced it back down for the sake of comforting Dean whilst he was like this.
As soon as his arms were free, he used the sleeve of the jacket to wipe the tears from his cheeks shamefully. He tried to hide his face but I ripped open the back of the coat and threw it away, pulling him back around to face me.

"Dean?" I studied his expression. He forced himself to look up into my eyes before falling forwards and collapsing into my chest. He grasped at my shirt and continued sniffling and trembling.

"It's not fair." I deciphered from his sobs. I brought him closer with a hand behind the back of his head, rubbing it soothingly with my thumb. "S'not my fault. I'm trying."

Dean seemed to calm down a little, the only sound being his breath hitching in his throat every so often. I waited for him to continue speaking.
"He did this to me. He promised he wouldn't but he did." Dean's voice was quiet and on the verge of breaking. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was talking about Seth.

"He broke me an' now I'm left like this for everyone to make fun of an' humiliate because of what he did. I'm so tired of being the 'unstable' one, the 'insane' one." Dean sniffed and repositioned himself against my chest. "Now Jericho's joined in and reminded me that I should be in an asylum. As if I didn't already know."

I tightened my grip around his shoulders and pulled him up a little.
"Dean. Dean, look at me. Don't say that. You do NOT belong in an asylum. You belong here just as much as any of us do, if not more."
I saw him glance over my shoulder at the straight-jacket and I cupped under his chin and forced his gaze back at me.

"Yes, what Seth did effected you. It effected me too. But look at it like this, we've got each other. What has Seth got? A shiny belt? Well when Seth's crying and snotting 'cause Daddy Hunter won't buy him what he wants, can a shiny belt do this?"

I leaned forwards and kissed Dean's lips softly. They were still damp with tears, but I felt him smile against my mouth and quickly dismissed it. I breathed heavily into the kiss and rubbed the bottom of his back.

When he pulled back, Dean had a small smile plastered on his face and was looking down. I felt my eyes crease at the sight of him.
"I guess a shiny belt can't do that, no." He glanced at me briefly and bit his tongue grinning.

I laughed lowly and pulled him into my chest.
"Don't you mind what the jealous fuckers out there have got to say about you, Deano. They don't matter. You do." I felt him relax against me and I breathed in deeply, kissing the top of his head. "I swear from now on, I'm gonna be watching all of your segments on the shows, okay?

"And if anyone so much as looks at you the wrong way, me n' Jimmy n' Jey are gonna come out rocking chainsaws and baseball bats and flamethrowers. The whole works."

Dean sat up at looked at me grinning widely.
"Are the baseball bats gonna have barbed-wire around them?"

I smiled and nodded slowly, drying the rest of the tears from under his eyes with my fingers.
"Of course they are, Dean."


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