Drunk {SethxDean}

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Seth sighed, resting his head on his hand as the music blared around him. His friends had dragged him to a new club in town despite his objections. Now they were all drunk and dancing and he was slumped on a chair in the corner alone.

A young waitress paused at his table and placed a glass in front of him before promptly filling it with a dark red liquid. Seth lifted his hand in thanks and pulled it towards him. He lifted to his mouth and let his eyes wander to the scene in front of him.

The room was bursting with people. Seth was scanning the crowd when his gaze fell onto a young man. The man stumbled out from the crowded dance floor and collapsed onto a stool at the bar. Seth stifled a laugh when the bartender denied the man a drink, causing him to slam his fist on the table in anger.

The man wore a plain black tee with extremely tight, dark blue jeans. An old leather jacket was slung over his shoulder as he unsteadily made his way around the room. Seth sat back in his chair, observing in amusement.

The two men locked eyes and Seth raised an eyebrow, smiling. He smiled back, opening his mouth wide and biting his tongue. Seth laughed and shifted uncomfortably.

The drunk man slumped onto the seat opposite Seth, watching him with curious eyes.

"Your hair looks like my brother. Well, not like my brother. Like my brother's hair." The man babbled, making various hand gestures, "Your hair looks like my brother's hair. I'm Dean." He smiled again.

Seth leaned onto the table, laughing and stroking his beard.
"Oh, that's cool. I'm Seth." He outstretched his hand but was met by a blank stare. Seth coughed awkwardly and retrieved his hand.

Dean stared at him, his mouth open slightly.
"Come with me." Dean rose from the table and yanked at Seth's sleeve. Seth got to his feet and was dragged to the middle of the room.

"Wait, what're we- I'm not dancing." Seth objected, but to no avail. He was surrounded by other people, all dancing in time to a fast-paced pop song. Dean spun him around and pulled him close to his face. He laughed loudly. Seth couldn't help but laugh back.

"This is more fun than sitting down! Aren't you having fun now? It's even more fun when you join in!" Dean yelled into Seth's ear.

Dean took a step back and began dancing.

"Oh my god." Seth said to himself as he watched. Dean absentmindedly hit a few people as he swung himself around, unbelievably off time with the music. Seth doubled over laughing.

Dean spun around and smiled wildly.
"What?" He shouted innocently. He glanced around him and was met by several angry glares. He pursed his lips and took a step towards Seth. "I think I hit those people."

Seth smiled,
"Yeah I think you did. Try dancing closer to me and don't move around so much."

Dean nodded and bit his bottom lip. He took a step towards Seth, his face an inch away. Seth looked him up and down and felt his cheeks redden.

"Like this?" Dean smirked mischievously as he moved his hips and arms extremely close to him. Seth felt Dean's crotch graze his leg and took a sharp breath.

"Uh... I guess?" Seth ran his hand over the back of his neck and laughed. The crowd continued to dance around them as Dean's moves got more and more inappropriate.

"Okay, I think it's time we got you home." Seth spoke loudly in his ear as Dean attempted to grab his ass.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
"No! We're having fun!" He whined. Seth huffed and grabbed his wrist, removing his hand from his ass.

"Come on, it's late, I'll take you home."


The music was significantly quieter from outside of the club. Seth had his arm wrapped around his new friend's waist to support him as he stumbled down the street.

"You ruined the fun." Dean mumbled, "We could still be dancing right now."
He pulled away from Seth's grasp and attempted to steady himself.

"Dean, it's almost four in the morning. You need to go home." Seth answered, refraining himself from laughing at Dean's drunken state.

"I do not need to go home, I need to dance! This is your fault, I'm gonna- I'm gonna beat you up." Dean trailed off as he launched himself at Seth.

He completely missed, throwing himself at a lamppost. A loud crack echoed around the empty streets as Dean fell to the pavement.

"Holy shit, dude, are you okay?" Seth fell to his knees, heaving the unconscious man from the ground, "For fuck's sake, Dean." He grumbled, lifting the heavy man behind him and onto his back. Dean's arms and legs hung limply at his sides as Seth carried him across the street to his own apartment.


Seth placed Dean on his bed, pulling off his shoes and jacket and throwing a thin blanket over him. He better not throw up in here, Seth thought to himself.

Dean stirred in his sleep and sat upright.
"Hello?" Seth squinted through the dark, attempting to see Dean's expression.

"Wh... Where am I?" Dean whispered in a raspy voice.

"You're at my house. Is your head okay? You knocked yourself out in th-" Seth started but was interrupted by Dean leaning forward, taking Seth's face in his hands and kissing his lips softly.

He pulled back and the room was silent. Dean lay back down and turned onto his side. Seth cleared his throat and looked around the room. He got to his feet and started towards the door.

" 'Night Seth." Dean called, his smile clear through his words. Seth paused at the door and turned to face the bed.

"Goodnight Dean."


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