Hotel Rooms {SethxReader}

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You had warned Seth and Roman not to let Dean book the hotel rooms but they hadn't listened.

"How was I supposed to know we'd need more than one room?" Dean held his hands up in defence whilst looking between the other two.

"Dean." Roman's deep voice cut through, "How many people are there here?" Dean's eyes scanned the small group, before resting on the ground.
"Four." He mumbled.
"Four people, one room. Nice one Deano." Seth added before stalking over to the reception desk.
You followed him over, propping yourself up on your elbow and looking over at a middle-aged man in a flawless suit.
"I'm sorry sir, there are no other available rooms tonight. We're fully booked." Seth gave a quick 'thank you' before turning to you.
"Looks like we're sharing."

The key-card clicked in the lock and the door swung open. Dean dashed past and jumped onto a medium-sized bed.
"Nice! I call the bed!" His smile soon faded when he saw the expressions of the two men facing him, "Yeah, I can totally crash on the couch." His arms hung low at his sides as he collapsed onto the leather sofa.
The suitcases were pushed to the corner of the room and everyone settled.
"Y/N gets the bed. There's a couple of extra duvets in this cupboard here, me and Romey can sleep on the floor. Dean," Seth raised his head to look at an expectant Dean who looked back, "You can sleep in the corridor for all I care. What was even going through your head when you booked one room?"

Dean smirked awkwardly,
"I don't know I wasn't exactly thinking-"

"Too right you weren't thinking." Roman moved to his feet and grabbed his suitcase, effortlessly moving it to a wooden cabinet.

"It's just one night guys. It'll be fine." You chirped before lying back into the comfortable mattress, thankful that you weren't camping on the floor.


"Dean, would you hurry up and turn that light off!" Seth whispered into the bathroom.
A silhouette of Dean appeared in the doorframe. He shrugged his shoulders and threw his hands up.
"I'm only brushing my teeth, Jesus." He disappeared and closed the door behind him.

You turned over in the bed to see a phone lighting up the face of Roman. He smiled, answered a text and locked his phone.

To your left, Seth was curled up in a duvet, his head resting uncomfortably on a cushion from the couch.

Finally, Dean entered the room in a pair or boxer-shorts and lay down on the sofa, his legs hanging off of the end. He threw a thin blanket over himself and turned to face the wall.

You waited at least ten minutes, until you could hear the synchronised snoring of Roman and Dean before sitting up and looking over at Seth. Two streaks of light stared back at you from the floor. You lightly patted the bed, making sure it wasn't loud enough to wake the others.

Movement could be heard from the floor below. Seth crept into the bed, pulling the covers over himself and shuffling closer to you.

You smiled as you curled into his chest, the familiar scent relaxing you. A soft hand rubbed your back under your loose shirt and settled on your waist, pulling you closer again.

As much as you wanted to speak, you knew you couldn't. You and Seth hadn't told Roman and Dean about you two yet. It had only been a couple of weeks, but with the pressure of Night Of Champions arising, you thought it a better idea to wait.

You shifted, pulling the blankets up further and Seth's hand slipped down, resting on your inner thigh. You jumped and gasped, earning a low laugh from him.
Dean stirred in his sleep, causing you both to tense. When he settled, you let out a long breath and shoved Seth's chest.
Seth's amusement was visible through the darkness, as he slowly moved his hand. Your breath hitched in your throat, earning another chuckle from him. Determined not to let Seth win, you sat very still and endured his teasing.

His gentle hands slid under your shirt and around your back, hugging you tight and accepting defeat. But you weren't quite finished.
You slipped through his grasp and let your hand run down to his stomach, trailing your hand further and further down until it reached the top of his underwear.
You could feel him tense up. Biting your lip you ran your fingers across the fabric, feeling Seth jolt. He roughly grasped your wrists and pulled them to your sides, leaning towards your ear.
"I don't think that's a good idea." He sounded frustrated already.

You smirked and pretended to agree. But as soon as he released your arms you climbed above him, straddling him and placing your hands on his chest.
You could feel him growing in need between your legs as you pressed yourself against him.
Seth's hands jumped to grab your waist and he seemed uncertain whether to pull you off or hold you in place. You continued to move as he remained in position. His back arched as he groaned quietly.
You started to realise that this wasn't only effecting him as your breaths grew heavier.
Seth sat up, catching you off guard and kissing you passionately, whether to silence the moaning or in general desire you weren't sure. You wrapped your legs around him and kissed back.

"Well, well, well! Roman you better get up you're missing the free porn!" Dean's mischievous voice spoke from the couch as a lamp on the table was switched on. You jumped back, unable to speak. Roman sat up and turned to face the bed, his messy hair pulled into a bun.

Dean smirked and bit his lip in excitement, waiting for our response. Seth look helplessly at me and then Roman before stifling a nervous laugh.

I glared at Dean for outting us. Roman cleared his throat.
"Well, I... Uh..." His eyebrows furrowed, "Dean I think you owe them an apology for the one room problem. Not that it seemed to stop them anyway." He looked back at you, his expression somewhere between bewilderment and amusement.

You felt your cheeks burn up as Dean laughed heartily, "Get in there, Seth." You both looked over at him as he winked at you and made a clicking noise with his tongue. He then turned over and switched off the lamp.

You coughed awkwardly and lay back down next to Seth. You heard him chuckle as you curled into him, stifling a laugh yourself.

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