Pay Attention {SethxReader}

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"Do we have to go?" You whined, tucking a lock of Seth's hair behind his ear. "Meetings are boring."

Seth smiled, cupping your face and running his thumb across your bottom lip.
"Unfortunately, yes. It shouldn't last too long, then we could go out someplace. Coffee? Ice cream?" He lifted your face up to look at him.

You giggled and nodded before turning to walk down the corridor. Seth enclosed your hand in his and swung your arms back and forth as you walked.
You made a sharp left, and Seth pushed open a door, holding it for you to walk through. You ducked under his arm and were met by a crowd of familiar people sat around an array of tables and chairs.

"Fuckin' finally." Dean Ambrose swung back on his chair, smirking at Seth and you. The door clicked behind you.

"I'm sorry, meetings about gym schedules aren't exactly at the top of my priority list, Dean. Some of us do have lives outside of the ring." Seth replied, earning a low laugh from several people in the room.

Dean scowled in amusement and leaned forward onto the table.

A comparatively smaller man stood at the top of the desks and rifled through dozens of sheets of paper. Seth pulled out a chair for you near the back and took the one beside it.

"Okay, so basically we just to sort out who is in the gym and when for the next term. I'll hand out these timetables, please take a look and come to me if any of your sessions need to be rescheduled." His voice droned on as you tapped your nails on the desk.

Looking across the room you noticed Dean and Roman looking at something under the table. Dean had his phone positioned between them and was stifling a laugh. Dean pulled his shirt over his mouth to silence his laugher as Roman let out a low chuckle.

The two earned a glare from the stern man at the front who cleared his throat and continued. Dean shoved his phone into his pocket and glanced up, his tongue in between his teeth. Roman rubbed his beard and clenched his jaw, still smiling.

Seth sat still beside you. You looked sideways at him and found him lolling his head, his eyes almost shut. You poked his side and he jolted up, attracting the attention of those near him.

"Did you have a question, Seth?" The speaker looked up from his papers and motioned towards an embarrassed Seth.

"Wha- no. I don't have any questions." Seth straightened himself and folded his arms. The man nodded slowly and turned away again,

"Okay then. Anyway-" He spoke, returning to his agonisingly long speech.

Seth turned his head, glaring at you.
You shrugged your shoulders, biting your lip to prevent yourself from laughing.

After several minutes, Seth was once again falling asleep. You didn't want him to be caught by the stout yet intimidating man at the front of the room, and so you had to wake him.

You considered waking him gently, until a much more fun idea sprung to mind.

Seth's arms were folded on his chest and his head hung low, occasionally rising, but only to fall back down. Your gaze fell to his baggy tracksuit bottoms.

Cautiously, you gazed around the room. The closest people, Roman and Dean were again engrossed in whatever was displayed on Dean's phone. Everyone else seemed focused on the lecturer.

You slowly moved your hand across, pulling back the material of Seth's trousers. Once under, you stroked him gently through his underwear.

Seth's eyes shot open. His arms fell to his sides as he grasped your wrist. You looked at him innocently as he stared back, his eyes wide. Your hand continued to move.

Seth released his grip on your arm and sank back into his chair. His head fell back slightly as he took a deep breath. You smirked triumphantly.

He grew hard under your touch as he pushed his hips forwards. He furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips, desperate for more contact.

Swiftly, you tucked your hand under his underwear, grabbing him forcefully. Seth breathed sharply. He froze, glancing around the room. Once satisfied, he leaned back into his chair.

You grasped him firmly, running your hand up and down his length. As you began picking up the speed, you looked up, your eyes falling on Roman.

Roman sat far back in his seat, watching you with his mouth open slightly. He had one eyebrow raised and his eyes flickered from you to Seth.

You retrieved your hand immediately, much to the disappointment of Seth. Seth glanced at you with confused eyes. He followed your gaze and rested his eyes on Roman.

"Shit." Seth mumbled under his breath, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. You stifled a laugh and looked at the floor.

Roman nudged Dean who had found interest in a 'fire safety' poster on the wall. Roman leaned towards him, whispering into his ear and making obscene gestures with his hand.

Dean's mouth fell open as his head shot to face you and Seth. Seth grabbed the bridge of his nose and shook his head at the two boys. Dean bit his tongue and winked at you. You felt your cheeks burn up.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." You whispered to Seth before swiftly leaving the room.


After around five minutes, you could hear a commotion from inside the room. The door burst open and an angry Seth appeared in the doorway. He glanced the other way down the hall before he turned his head and his eyes set on you.

He broke into a sprint. You screamed and set off in the other direction. Your legs couldn't move fast enough as you laughed breathlessly. His footsteps grew louder as he caught up.

Two hands grasped your waist and pulled you back. You squealed as you were pressed against the wall.

"Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" Seth stared intently at you, frustrated but clearly amused.

You tilted your head thoughtfully before nodding, still out of breath. Seth smirked. He leaned on one arm against the wall.

"Now I just have to avoid Dean and Roman for the rest of my life." Seth joked. You dropped to your knees, slipping down his trousers and underwear.

"I don't think that's a good-" Seth started before you took him in your mouth. He groaned and let his head fall onto the wall behind.

You swirled your tongue around him, moving your head back and forth rhythmically. Seth grabbed your hair in his hand. His hips bucked forward.

"Fuck." He moaned as you reached the base of his dick. You tightened your lips around him as he arched his back. You pulled away and jerked him off again with your hand as he came.

He breathed heavily, grasping the door frame beside him to steady himself. You pulled his pants back up as you rose to stand beside him.

He pulled you in front of him and planted a kiss on your forehead. His arms curved around your waist, pulling you closer.

"Hey, look who we have here. WWE's very own pornstars." Dean strolled around the corner and stopped in front of you. Seth glared at him, to which Dean smirked widely.

Dean's gaze fell down to you. He raised an eyebrow,
"A bit too eager to wait 'till we got home, were we?"

You blushed, looking away. Dean laughed loudly and patted Seth's shoulder.
"See you around guys. And hopefully next time I see you, you won't have your hands down each other's pants." Dean began to walk away, turning on his heel to make his snarky comment.

Seth sighed loudly.
"I'm never going to hear the end of this."

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