The Right Guy {SethxReader}

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"What day do you want to go out for lunch this week?" Seth beamed down at you whilst he held the door open.

"How's Saturday?" You ducked under his arm, "There's a new place opened in town recently, Roman went just the other week. He said it was amazing."
You turned on your heels to face Seth.

"Sounds good! I can pick you up at 1?" Seth spoke loudly above the dull roar backstage. You nodded and smiled in reply before grabbing your jacket.

"I'll see you then."


You'd met Seth when you were appointed head gym instructor for the athletes at WWE. After one session you two were close friends, bonding over your senses of humour and interest in fitness.

With the others, friendships had come gradually, with the likes of Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Some found it difficult to become fond of a person who commanded them to work seemingly endless hours of workouts and fitness classes.

Roman was like a big brother to you. He was quick to step in when there was bother with any of the athletes, defending you to the point of exhaustion.

Your relationship with Dean was complicated to say the least. His change in attitudes gave you the effects of whiplash, one minute he was warm and excitable, and the next you couldn't get a word out of him.

Nevertheless, you cared deeply for all three of the boys.


You pushed open the double doors, making your way across the parking lot to the bus stop. You turned a sharp corner, but stopped short.

Dean Ambrose stood in your path, blocking out the sunlight. You felt small and defenceless in his shadow.
You glanced up at his face.

He was chewing gum and had a smug expression on his face.
"Where you goin', darlin'?" He spoke confidently, leaning his arm on the wall behind you. You backed up until you were pressed against the wall.

"I was just..." You motioned towards the bus stop, lost for words.
Dean furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over his shoulder. He looked back and smirked.

"The bus stop?" He tilted his head.

"Y-Yeah." You answered, standing up straight in an attempt to look taller.

Dean huffed,
"Don't worry 'bout that, I'll take you."

His hand grasped his pocket before pulling out a key and tossing it up in the air. He caught it smoothly and pointed over his shoulder with his thumb at a sleek black car across the parking lot.

"You comin'?"


Once inside the car, you warily fastened your seat belt and observed that Dean did not.

"Where we headin'?" Dean glanced sideways at you, smirking at your clear discomfort.

"Just the North side of town, the street's called Prospect Aven-" you started.

"Oh yeah, I remember now, I watched you walk there the other week." Dean spoke. Your head snapped up. He turned towards you, amused. "That was a joke darlin', no need to be so tense."

You sank into your chair, biting your lip and smiling.

The car slowed to a stop outside of your house.
"Thanks Dean, I appreciate the ride." You smiled across at him before reaching for the door handle.

"My pleasure. Before you leave, I was wondering," He spoke, reaching out to touch your arm, "Do you catch a movie this weekend? Orton is starring in '12 Rounds 2'."

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