Don't Forget That {DeanxReader}

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The cork of a wine bottle flew across the kitchen as Dean poured the contents into two tall glasses. Once full, he slid one towards you. He smirked and undid the first couple of buttons on his white shirt.

You smiled and sipped your drink, watching his hands intently.
"Did you enjoy yourself this evening?" Dean's gravelly voice broke your focus. You looked up, meeting his warm gaze.

"I really did, thank you." You answered, smiling warmly. Dean nodded, taking a mouthful of his drink.

Tonight had been your fifth date, and Dean had went all out to create the perfect night. A high-end restaurant, a stroll along the boulevard and then home with a bottle of velvety red wine. He had cleaned up exceedingly well, pulling off a dressy shirt with a pair of tight, black trousers and a slightly more controlled hairdo.

It was clear Roman and Seth had given some input after the previous date; paint-balling and then ordering a pizza.

Dean leaned over the counter and rested on his forearms.
"I'm really glad I get to spend time with you like this." His eyebrows furrowed as he watched you closely. You smiled widely and cupped his face with your hands.

"And I'm really glad I get to spend time with you. Whether we're ordering pizza or dining in a gourmet restaurant." You giggled, kissing Dean who was clearly amused.

His eyes fluttered open when you pulled away and his expression turned solemn.
"I hope that what happened between you and Seth won't affect things between us. He is totally cool with this and I just hope-" Dean began but you silenced him.

"Nothing between us is going to change, Dean, I promise. What happened with me and Seth was nothing, and it's in the past now."

A couple of months back, you and Seth had dated. It was only for a couple of weeks, but it seemed to bother Dean slightly. You and Seth had managed to salvage your friendship, and tolerated being around each other, making it easier on all of you.

Dean seemed to relax, leaning forwards again and kissing you softly.
"You can use my room to get changed if you'd like. I'll get cleaned up down here." He pulled back and grabbed the empty wine glasses.


You pulled down the zip of your dress, allowing the silky material to fall to the ground. You reached for a large shirt. The sound of movement in the doorway made you jump.

You pulled the shirt in front of yourself to cover your naked top half. Dean stood in the entrance to the room, leaning against the doorframe. His large build almost completely filled the space which was intimidating to say the least.

He chuckled lowly before crossing the room to the window.
"Sorry darlin', I didn't realise you were still changing." He yanked the curtains closed. You remained in the same position, turning to watch him as he moved around the room.

He turned to face you and tilted his head slightly. You shifted uncomfortably, holding the shirt closer to your bare chest. Dean strode closer to you.

You reached to about his shoulder, and so looked up at his face. His hand curved around you, resting at the base of your back. The other held your upper arm as his thumb rubbed you soothingly.

 {Smut Book}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora