Epilogue: The Reprise

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Louis POV

"Cuff links?"
"Yes mum"
"Matching socks?"
"Yes mum"
"Those flowers you put in your suit pocket?"
"Everything's fine mum! It's not like it's the real thing or anything! That was 15 years ago..." I smiled, throwing it all the way back to the day Zayn and I finally tied the knot. The day we both merged our surnames into one. The day we became Mr and Mr Malikson.
"Oh you know how I worry sweetheart. It isn't everyday your oldest son renews his vows is it? You look dashing by the way"
"Thanks mum. I suppose you're right but quit the nervousness please. I only brought one shirt and I'm gonna sweat through it if you keep riling me up. It'll be fine!"
"The roles have really reversed since last time haven't they?" Mum chuckled after a few long seconds of silence.
"You mean me literally sh!tting bricks while you were so calm you may as well have been asleep? Well thank god the roles have reserved!"I laughed, fixing my collar in the mirror.
Everything was ready. The chapel was set up for family only and decorated elegantly with silky white bows just like on the actual day we were married.
The same hotel we used on our wedding day had a hall reserved for us and our guests who would all arrive later for a meal and some music. We even managed to get our hands on a few sweet trolleys and goodie bags for the kids seen as there's a fair few more of them this time round.
I was snapped out of my trance when my baby walked over from his spot on the bed rubbing his eyes with his fists.
"Ohh what's up hazza bear? D'ya have a good nap?" I asked quietly so as not to scare him.
"Mmm hmm"
"That's good. Are you hungry? Or would you just like some milk?"
"Miwlk pwease"
"Ok love, here you are"
He took his paw patrol sippy cup from my hands gently and begin drinking eagerly. His mouth must've been as dry as a desert.
"It's 20 to 2 loubear"
"I'm ready. We just have to dress Haz. Will you pass his tux over here please?" I asked as I cuddled my baby boy. It's hard to believe that he's three already.
"He's not going to like the tie, you do know that? I'll pay for the hotel of he still has it on by the end of the ceremony" mum chucked.
"Niall's going to be so soooo much worse. He can barely leave his socks on in the house let alone a tie. The waistcoat won't last 10 minutes either."
"Put it on for photos and he'll be fine. Boys will be boys."
"Definitely. Stubborn, funny, crazy boys"


"Glad the church parts over" zayn mumbled, still not a fan of having the Islamic blessing on a different day. He'd moped about this for weeks but two religious blessing in one day is just a bit too much in my opinion. Of course we're still going to do it, just tomorrow instead.
"Oh shut up, you loved it, I saw you cry" I chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing my forehead gently. "No I just love you, there's a huge difference"
"Absolutely colossal"
"Dad! Harry keeps following me! Make him stop!" Niall whines as he run over, tugging at my trousers followed by an upset looking toddler with wild curly hair.
"Pwease pway with me Ni-ni " he begged, his green eyes dangerously glossy.
"Hey now, this is supposed to be a happy day! Frowns aren't allowed!" Zayn spoke softly, taking Harry into his arms as he began to sob, the youngest boy latching onto his papa and nesting his head in his neck.
"Niall I've talked to you already this morning about including your brother in your games. He's small, he doesn't understand that he's annoying you. All I'm asking for is 20 more minutes. Then we'll go to the hotel, you can play with your cousins and friends and H can do the same alright?" I asked firmly, kneeling down to his level and keeping his eyes fixed on mine.
"Fine! But I'm not sharing a bed with him tonight." He huffed, scuffing his good shoes off the floor.
"Thanks lad! You're the best! Now go play for another few minutes and don't lose you're jacket" and he was off like a rocket, probably terrified of being asked for a favour or to take Harry with him.
Harry lay happily in zayns arms with his head lolling on his papas shoulder as they talked quietly, giving me the opportunity to greet some guests while we waited for the car to come get us.

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