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"So how long have you and your fiancée been engaged? Just curious." Touka asked, taking a feather duster to clean the bookshelves.

"A year. But because she had to go overseas for her work, we haven't seen each other for the past 3 months." Kaneki replied.

He swore he got a glimpse of her blue panties as she turned around to look at him. Quickly, he grabbed a book near to him and covered his eyes with it. With a blush on his face, he stuttered, "a-are you trying to flirt with me? I have a fiancée you know!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" She was completely puzzled as to what he was talking about. Placing her hand on her chin, she was lost in thought and it finally came to her. She flushed, pulling the hem of her skirt down. "..D-did you see?"

He nodded. "Sorry."

She blushed even harder and tried to revert back to the topic. "H-has your fiancée tried to contact with you?"

He placed the book down onto the table. "She did for the first few months but suddenly stopped. I couldn't get a hold of her and I was also very busy with work at that time so I guess I just forgot. But I really hope she'll come back soon, I miss her." The black haired male replied with a small smile on his face.

Watching him, Touka wondered how it was to love someone. It was something she had never gotten to experience for all of her 20 years of life. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go on."

"How does it feel like to love someone?"

His eyes widened. "Now that's a surprising question. Your heart will start beating really fast when you're around them and when they leave, you anticipate the day you see them again. You can get all-out mad or depressed or happy or whatever it is that you are in front of them. And you know it won't change how they feel about you. When I'm with Elizabeth, I feel very comfortable." His eyes softened as he started reminiscing about the times they spent together.

"That sounds really nice..."

Kaneki smiled. "Someday you'll find someone like that, I'm sure."


The green haired male hugged his beloved from behind and laid his chin onto her shoulder. "Hey Elizabeth... How long do we have to stay like this? You know, keeping our relationship a secret..."

The blonde turned around and cupped his cheeks. "Soon, we'll be able to go out boldly. I just need to talk to him." She said, dropping her hands to touch the engagement ring on her finger.

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