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Checking her phone for the umpteenth time of the day, the violet haired female sighed, seeing as not even a single message came in. Kaneki hasn't texted her since they last met a week ago. Before thinking of the worst possible scenario, she assured herself, knowing that he was not the type to do this and that he could be just busy with his work. But she decided to send just one text to make sure that he was alright.

To: Ken Kaneki
From: Kirishima Touka

Hi, how have you been? It's been a while, do you want to meet? I miss you.

- SENT -

After what seemed like forever to Touka, a message came and she quickly opened it.

To: Unknown Number
From: Ken Kaneki

Hello, who is this?


Her heart skipped a beat and she threw on a random shirt and a pair of shorts before running out of the house in the direction of his house. Kaneki, did something happen?

Upon reaching, she stopped for a while to catch her breath and walked up the steps to the door. She knocked once and no answer came. She knocked again and a servant then came to answer the door.

"Is Mr Kaneki in?" Touka asked.

"Yes. Do you have an appointment with him? If you do not, I'm afraid I cannot let you in." The servant said.

"Just tell him I'm Touka and he will let me in."

"Alright. Give me a minute."

The servant closed the door and came back to open it a minute later. "Mr Kaneki says he does not know any Touka."

That can't be...

She pushed past the servant despite him telling her she's not supposed to, and walked into the house, making her way to his room. Turning the doorknob and opening the door, she couldn't believe her eyes. There they were, with Kaneki's arms around Irina's waist, kissing. Her voice wavered as she called his name. "Kaneki..."

The couple turned to look at her.

"Oh my, isn't this the girl who has been harassing you, Ken?" Irina asked in a sweet voice.

The black haired male sighed heavily and walked towards her. "Look I said I do not know you and you can't just barge into people's house. It's considered trespassing if you didn't know. What do you want? If it's money, I can give it to you."

She moved to cup his cheeks and stared straight into those grey eyes. The love he had for her was not reflected in his eyes and only confusion was there.  Standing on her toes, she pressed her lips to his.

His eyes widened and he stood rooted to the spot, not moving an inch. 

"Hey! I'll call the guards." Irina called.

The kiss was too out of the world that he didn't hear Irina shouting at them. He could only focus on the warmth of her lips. Why does this kiss feel so good even though it was from a stranger? He was supposed to push her way and feel disgusted but another part of him is stopping him from doing so, wanting to just pull her into his arms and bring this further. He closed his eyes and sucked on her lips, savoring the taste.

The two pulled away from each other to breathe and Touka's eyes widened as she saw him look at her tenderly. It was as if the old him had come back. She knows now that he was somehow brainwashed and she needs to do something to help him remember her.

"Ken! What are you doing? Get away from her!" Irina shouted.

Upon hearing that, his eyes immediately turned stone cold and it was like he turned into a completely different person from before. He pushed her away.

"K-Kaneki—" The violet haired female called.

"Miss, I'll let you off the hook this time for trespassing private property and harassing me but I hope you don't do it again. Guards! Escort this lady out."

Two security guards entered the room and took hold of each of Touka's arm. "Kaneki! I know deep down you remember me!" She shouted as she struggled in the grasp of the two guards.

They pulled her out and the door slammed shut. The black haired closed his eyes. Why does his heart hurt from doing this to a stranger? It was like he wanted to cry and he was puzzled for this feeling. Seeing him like this, Irina walked over to him and cupped his cheeks to make him look at her.

"Ken, that woman must have been desperate judging from those rags she was wearing. Don't mind her. Now where were we?" She asked seductively as she ran her thumb over his lips.

Kaneki was bothered by Touka's appearance but faked a smile and wrapped his hands around his fiancée's waist. "We were kissing."

Touken [Maid x Master]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant