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Slowly opening her eyes, Touka saw a certain black haired male sleeping in front of her. She tried to move but his arms were tightly secured around her waist and she tilted her head to look at the clock.

Oh shit! I can't believe I slept through the night! I need to go study! She struggled to escape his iron grip and hopped off the bed when the world suddenly spinned around her. She then found herself falling forward, unable to stop but was caught in the nick of time just before her face hit the floor.

Her body was pulled back into an embrace and she heard a huge sigh. Turning around, she looked up at her boyfriend who had just woken up and was scratching the back of his head. Kaneki moved his hand to her forehead. "Take it easy. You still have a slight fever."

"But I need to study..."

He placed his hands on her shoulders now. "Listen. I know that our relationship is very important to you and it is to me too. But I want you to know that I care about your health through all this. Please just understand that and rest for today. I don't want you collapsing again, okay?"

Her eyes tilted down. She never meant to make him worry. If it's just for today, she doesn't mind. "Okay."

The taller male grinned and guided her back to bed, pulling the covers over them. "Let's get back to sleep then!"

"Why are you sleeping with me?"

"What do you think the reason is?" He asked back.

"To make sure I don't go and study??" Touka guessed.

"That's right. I am here to ensure that you get sufficient rest. Now, close your eyes and just sleep." Kaneki wrapped his arms around her once again and 3 seconds after she closed her eyes, she fell asleep. He kissed her forehead goodnight before he went into dreamland himself.

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