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Sunlight crept through the curtains and Kaneki cracked open his eyes, squinting them, trying to get used to the brightness. It was cold on a Saturday morning and he wanted to snuggle up with Touka. Her back was facing him and she was one arm away from him.

He closed the distance between them and moved to kiss her bare shoulder before encircling his arms around her waist, pressing his chest against her back and absorbing her warmth. She made a noise and shifted in her sleep before turning over towards him. Opening her blue eyes, she looked up at those grey eyes of his which were gazing down into hers.

"Good morning, Touka." He smiled.

"Morning. It's cold..." She mumbled and pressed closer to him.

"Mm." He pulled the blankets over them and his hand moved to her face, pushing those bangs that were covering her face out of the way, so he could see her beautiful face. He planted a kiss on her forehead and she shifted again, burying her face into his chest.

Kaneki chuckled. She's like a cute little rabbit who loves getting cuddles. It was cold but the warmth of each other's bodies made them comfortable. The couple remained like that for another few minutes before falling asleep again.

Another few hours later... The door slammed open and Mrs Kaneki stepped in.

"Surprise son! I'm home!"

But since no one replied her because they were asleep, she walked over towards the bed and stared at the two who were wrapped in each other's limbs. She screamed. "What the hell is this?!"

The couple were shocked awake and were frantically looking around for the source of that scream. Touka spotted his mom first and she pulled his arm so he could look her direction. "K-Kaneki!"

"W-wha-oh! Mother you're home early!" The black haired male quickly pulled up the blankets to cover both their naked bodies.

His mother was standing there with her arms folded and glaring down at them. "Go get clothed and I need an explanation for this. Meet me in the living room." She then stomped off.

Touka's face paled and she shook Kaneki. "What should we do?!"

His heart raced and he tried to keep calm. "I'll explain. Let's just hurry and get changed. I don't want her getting more angry than she already is."

The two rushed to change into proper clothes and made their way to the living room. They entered the room quietly and sat down on the sofa in front of Mrs Kaneki. Her arms were still folded and she crossed her legs in a way that one was atop of another. "Ken, are you cheating on Elizabeth?"

"No I am not. How do I say this? Elizabeth and I are over."

"And is Touka here the cause of it?"

"She isn't. Please don't accuse her and listen to me. Elizabeth and I were doing fine and remember that overseas business trip she had to go to? After she came back, she told me she met another guy and wanted to break up with me."

She raised a brow. "And you didn't stop her?"

"I tried but she brought that guy with her when we met and showed him to me. I just couldn't take it and asked them to leave. I got majorly drunk after that and when I came home, Touka took care of my pathetic hungover self and well, I kinda forced her to spend the next few days with me so I could get my mind off the breakup. And then when we went on a date, we saw Elizabeth and her new boyfriend and Touka knew I was sad. She suggested that we try going out but I told her it was a bad idea because I still had feelings for Elizabeth. She just told me she wanted me to be that happy person again. And we went out. Few months later, I am—" he stopped to hold Touka's hand. "No, we are very happy together."

"Break up immediately. Ken, I will arrange for a daughter of an established family to meet with you. You can then marry her. As for you, Touka, this is unfortunate considering your family circumstances, but I will have to fire you. I will pay you 5 months worth and you will take your belongings and leave immediately."

"Mom I won't accept this! The only girl I want to marry is Touka!"

The violet haired female looked over to him. Kaneki...

"You are not allowed to raise your voice at me, young man! Only dating for a few months doesn't mean that you're sure that she's the one. For all I know, she may be plotting to get you to fall in love with her and then after she's done with that, she would attempt to make a run with all of your money!"

"She isn't like that! And I don't think marrying someone whom I've never spent time with is going to help me in any way!"

"You'll have time to spend with each other after getting married. Even if you guys don't fall in love with each other, it doesn't matter. It's a business marriage, you marry for business, not love."

"I am 25, mother! It's time I make my own decisions!"

"And I am saying right now that you are not making the correct decision! What about you, Touka? Are you just going to sit there while we argue? You say something too."

The mother and son looked over to her and she timidly opened her mouth. "I-I'm not sure about all these business marriages and stuff but I can assure you Ma'am that I am in love with Kaneki and I am not going to run off with your son's money."


"Words doesn't prove anything, darling. If you say you are truly in love with my son, then prove it to me that you are willing to sacrifice for my son. If you are going to be my daughter-in-law, you need to act like one. You need to know how to use appropriate cutlery at the dining table, you need to know how to dance, you need to change the way you dress and talk and there's more. So tell me, are you up to that challenge?"

Touka sucked in a deep breath. "Yes."


I know what you guys are going to say. That Kaneki's mom is so mean or this went from 0 to 100 real quick. xD

I initially wanted to make Touka just give up and say that she'll break up with Kaneki but the Touka I know won't go down without a fight so I decided that she would stand till the end.

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