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A/N in this story, I'll just make up Kaneki's mom and dad's names since we don't know their actual names.

Kaneki's mother -- Yukari

Kaneki's father -- Yuichirou


Kaneki, Touka and his parents gathered in the room.

"So can anyone tell me what just happened?" Yuichirou said.

Yukari spoke, "I'll start. I believe that Touka there is getting close to our son for his money. She's trying to cheat our son in giving her money and once she gets it, she's planning to run off."

Touka opened her mouth to protest but Kaneki placed his hand onto hers, stopping her from doing so. He then spoke, "That is not true, father. I will explain from the beginning where Elizabeth broke up with me."

"What? She broke up with you?" Yuichirou could not believe what he had just heard.

Kaneki nodded and begun to explain everything. Going from the part where he discovered Elizabeth's cheating, to the start of Touka's and his' relationship, to Irina and to the wedding. "And I believe mother was involved in the making of the incense and love potion to make my feelings for Touka fade, and instead gain feelings for Irina."

"Don't make false accusations! What proof do you have that I did all that?" Yukari screamed. She was obviously shaken but struggled to regain her composure.

"Yukari, pass me your phone." Yuichirou said.

"What? No! I did not do it! Why should I pass you my phone?!" She snapped.

Yuichirou turned to his wife, held her hands and pleaded. "Please. Show us all that you're innocent."

Okay keep calm, Yukari. You've already deleted all of the evidence and told the servants to keep their mouth shut so they shouldn't be able to find anything on me! She took her phone and passed it to her husband. Yuichirou begun searching her messages, calls and emails. Nothing seemed suspicious until a phone call came.


The caller ID was unknown.

Yukari started to perspire a lot as she watched Yuichirou press 'answer' and turn the speaker on.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Kaneki. How has the love potion and incense you ordered from me been working lately? Is there any issues you would like to inform me of? I have a new batch of orders coming in and they work better than the older ones. Would you like to drop by and purchase them sometime?"

Hearing that, Yuichirou glared at his wife and he ended the call. "How do you want to explain this, darling?"

"W-Wait this is a misunderstanding! He obviously called the wrong person! I did not purchase any love potions or incense or whatsoever he was talking about!"

He raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Well if he called the wrong person, how would he know your name?"

Sweat beads started to form on her forehead and she quickly thought of another excuse. "N-No wait it wasn't a wrong one, he called correctly but I did not purchase those! I bought uhh..scented candles yes! He's usually a klutz so he-"

Yuichirou heaved a huge sigh. "Don't lie anymore, darling. Your bad habit is coming out. You always touch your chin whenever you're hiding something."

Looking down at her hand on her chin, she placed it back down onto her lap and tilted her head down. "Yes... I did order love potions and incense from him. I did it for the sake of our son... Remember how you used to get made fun of after marrying me, darling? I always hated that and when Touka came along, I knew I had to prevent them from dating. I didn't want our son to be made fun by others, knowing that he is dating a girl with a poor background. I just wanted to protect him."

Yuichirou placed his hand onto his wife's hand. "Dear, I was prepared for those comments when I married you. But they all didn't matter to me because all I cared about was us being together. Because I love you. You know the obstacles we faced when we were dating. Please don't make our son suffer the same thing like we did."

Tears dripped down Yukari's cheeks and she sobbed. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I only wanted to protect Ken!"

"Mother..." Kaneki couldn't find the words to say. She did all of this for him.

Yukari stood up and knelt down in front of her son and Touka. "I know I did many bad things to you guys but I ask for your forgiveness."

"Please don't do this, mom. Stand up and we'll talk." Kaneki grabbed his mother's arm and tried to pull her up but she refused.

"I will only stand when I am forgiven by the both of you."

Hearing how she did this for Kaneki, Touka suddenly remembered about her parents. They both did not come from very rich families and instead, were from poor families but they scrimped and saved so they were able to get by. As children, Ayato and her always wanted to have things other kids had such as toys and candies. Their parents couldn't buy them for them those but one day, their father saved up to get both of them a toy each. 

Their father was then told that there was better job opportunities in another country and wanting to earn more money to support their family, he decided to work there, resulting in him leaving his wife and two children back home. They lived better for the first few months as he kept on sending money home but it stopped all of a sudden and the family was sad to be informed by his colleagues' that their father has passed away in an accident at the workplace.

Being the breadwinner in the family, their mother went to work. But she kept on taking on too many shifts and not getting enough rest, she was told by a doctor that she has contracted cancer. Having no money for treatment, she refused to take medicine and do chemotherapy, she even lied to her children that she was okay and eventually, she died of overwork and the effects of cancer.

It was their parents' strong desire to support the family and give their children a good life that unfortunately led to their deaths. Touka and Ayato was left to survive by themselves but the two siblings did not blame their parents because they knew that their parents gave everything to support them. It was all for their precious children.

Feeling tears drip down her cheeks, Touka spoke, "you did all of this for Kaneki right? I understand how you feel. I forgive you." She took the elder lady's hands and helped her up.

Staring at the older black haired lady in front of her, she could see grey hair starting to come out from the roots, her aged eyes and her skin full of wrinkles and Touka could tell that she was just a parent who loves their child and wants the best for them. "I understand that you want the best for Kaneki but I love him, so I'm sorry because I won't leave his side."

Kaneki walked over and stared down at his girlfriend. "Touka..."

Yukari shook her head and looked at the both of them. "No, I won't stop you guys from seeing each other anymore. I can tell that the two of you love each other truly. I'm sorry for all of the trouble caused."

"Alright son, what do you say? Will you forgive your mother?" Yuichirou asked.

Touka released Yukari's hands and stepped aside to allow Kaneki to hold his mother's hands. "Mother, at first I was furious as to all the horrible things you did and but now I know that it was all for my sake. Thank you and I forgive you." He said and hugged her tightly.


So you see the reason for all of her wrongdoings? Don't hate on her because parents' love is like no other. I know you guys will hate her like I did when I wrote, but after all this, I couldn't hate her because she did it for Kaneki :(

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