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Securing his arms around her, Kaneki moved to lay her down onto the bed, getting above her. He leaned down to join lips with her again and Touka pulled him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck.

He pulled back and stared at her. "You're too defenseless, Touka."

She blinked. "H-huh? What do you mean?"

"As a girl, you're supposed to reject the guy when he's trying to lay you down onto the bed. What if they do something to you that you don't like? Guys can do things to a girl even if he doesn't like her."

"You won't do that right?" Raising her hand, she attempted to touch his face but he grabbed her wrist.

"For all I know, I might have been pretending to be in love with you just to get you in bed." His gaze was piercing.

Her voice wavered. "I-if you wanted to get me in bed, you would have done it a long time ago. You wouldn't have waited that long."

"What if I wanted to play with you for a while?" He narrowed his eyes and purposely lowered his voice to make himself sound like a bad guy. He took some strands of her hair and twirled it around his finger.


Looking down at her scared face, he flicked her forehead with his fingers, earning an ow from her. He got off of her and sat at the edge of the bed. "I was just joking. I just wanted to warn you, don't let a guy do whatever he wants because it'll be your loss, not his."

Touka sat up too and went to sit down beside him, hugging his arm. "Okay. But if it's you, I don't mind." She said, blushing.

"Precisely because I'm with you, I can't control myself..." Kaneki muttered.

"You can do things to me and I won't get mad."

The black haired male pushed her away and locked eyes with her. "Stop that. You're just saying stuff in the heat of the moment. "

His eyes told her that this conversation was over and she didn't say anything more about it. She tilted her head down, eyes downcast.

"Okay! Would you please help me stand up? I want to take a shower." The tone of his voice changed back to a cheerful one.

"Ah okay." Touka stood up and supported him to the bathroom. She then placed a stool inside and a change of clothes. She also wrapped his injured ankle in a plastic bag so it wouldn't get wet. The two never talked while she did the work.

After finishing her tasks, he thanked her and she left the bathroom, leaving him to himself. Kaneki immediately used the back of his hand to cover the growing blush on his cheeks. His mind replayed what happened earlier.


"Okay. But if it's you, I don't mind."

"You can do things to me and I won't get mad."


"Saying things like that is unfair, Touka... You make me really want to do things to you. This is bad..." Her sad face flashed across his mind and he wondered if he was overboard with what he said.


"Stop that. You're just saying stuff in the heat of the moment. "


"I hope she isn't hurt by what I said..."


"I wasn't saying it in the heat of the moment... I really meant it..." Touka murmured.

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