Chapter 20

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So idk if u guys liked the baby names... no one commented in the last chapter! I'm kinda worried no one wants to read it anymore but whatever!

Btw this is gonna be a short chapter...


Laura's POV

That night the baby's slept in mine and Ross's bed. They kept us awake though. We got no sleep.

In the morning me and Rydel went shopping for Rosie and Melody. We got car carriers, food, cradles, toys, bottles, and clothes.

We spent over $200! I was just glad little Rosie and Melody had little baby things. we also got food for us when we were out.

When me and Rydel got back we picked up Ratliff and Ross then went to a paint store. We painted the room sky blue. There were little airbrush clouds and white and blue furniture.


Hey guys so again sorry for the short chapter. no cliffhanger! I'm so boring...

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