Chapter 21

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Ok guys I want to know if u want me to add to my next chapter a "meet the author" if so comment some things you want to know about me and some questions you have for me! ;D


Ross's POV:

That night I watched Laura sleep gracefully. I was on baby duty.

The baby's cried constantly! I was sooooo tired.


The next day: (Ross's POV)

My friend Maia was coming to visit tomorrow and the house was a mess!I woke Laura up at 6:00a.m. She wasn't as tired as I was. She helped me clean the house and put new sheets on the guest bed. We didn't eat breakfast or lunch because we cleaned until 5:00p.m. WE CLEANED FOR 11 HOURS!!!! At least the house was sparkling clean. When we were cleaning we listened to the Austin and Ally CD.

We ate dinner after cleaning. After dinner we went straight to bed because we were really tired.


The next day: (Laura's POV)

Ross was super excited for Maia to come over. He used to have a huge crush on her and they dated. I'm worried Ross still has feelings for Maia. Maia got here at about 12:00 (noon). We greeted her and took her out to lunch. She adored Melody and Rosie. I was starting to not worry anymore.


That night: (Maia's POV)

Ross was so sweet when I arrived. I still had feeling for him since we last broke up. I didn't know if he still had feelings for me... so I guess I'll have to find out! 😈


Hey guys! Remember to comment your questions for me!!! I'll update soon I promise! Byeee 😘

Better togetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora