Chapter 22

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Hey guys! heres another chapter... obviously! I've been kinda down lately ;( r5er go through love stages and I'm at the I want you bad stage! lol u probly don't care. Also i figured since not a lot of people comment I'm gonna answer ur questions along the way!


Question from r5er4everandever:

Ohhh i want to know if you are bullied ir do you cut yourself or stuff like that i know its weird but i am really helpful to people who is bullied or cuts! ☺

Answer: no I don't cut myself but I do get bullied sometimes. I stand up to bullies though. they call me dumbo because I have big ears, gorilla because I have harry arms, and names that mean short because I'm short. I don't really care tho, YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE!


In the morning: (Maia's POV)

Ross woke up early and made pancakes. Laura was still sleeping. I went downstairs and talked to Ross. I snuck up behind him and...

Maia: "Hello Ross!"

Ross: "Oh, mornin Maia!"

He hugged me. I hugged back and jumped up so he was holding me. he carried me into the living room. I kissed him. Laura came down the stairs and saw us kissing. The smoke alarm went off and Laura screamed. the pancakes caught on fire but Ross didn't care. He tryed to explain what happened between us just a second ago but she stormed out of the house. She was really mad, just as I planned!


Sorry it was short again guys! I have like 3% battery left 😬 wellp byeee 😘 ALSO remember to comment questions!!!!!

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