Chapter 30

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Hey yall!!! I'm back and hope to stay for a while! My phone keeps crashing and I just moved and I just had finals and finally I'm on break!!!!!!! Ik, IK im disappointed at me too, but I'm here now so let's get reading... Writing.. Whatever😜

Ross's POV: I hope Laura doesnt notice that I'm gone! I feel so guilty. I shouldnt be here, I shouldn't have came. Do I just leave? Or do I wait? I don't know what to do! Ugh. I'll just get up and run... Sound like a plan? Yeah. Wait. No. BLAHH! You know what, I'm staying and doing this for me!
I sat in my chair and waited. Waiting for the big hand to hit 12 and the little hand on 10. I needed to get out of there. 10 minuets left. 5 minuets left. Counting down while still paying attention. The goodbyes started and I jumped up and ran.
That was... An experience! I better get home to Laura and the kids.

By the time I got there she was panicked half to death. I ran up to her and apologized. Before I could embrace her, she went off. I lied about where I was. I told her I had a meeting for Teen Beach Movie 2. She believed me.
I heard there was going to be a bad storm tonight so we all decided to stay at home.
That night: It was raining cats and dogs. The thunder and lightning terrified the kids. Everyone was snuggled up in one bed, until they heard a siren. There was going to be a hurricane. They took shelter.
Ross got flashlights and food. He picked up Rosie. Laura grabbed Melody by the hand and got in the shelter room. The power went out just as they got in. It was freezing in there. Ross got out and ran to get blankets. He saw Riker, Vanessa, Rydel, Ellington, Rocky, Stormie, and Mark! They were all huddled in a circle confused of where to go. Ross told them to follow him. Each of the guys grabbed a blanket and followed Ross. When they reached the shelter door, it was locked. They tried yelling, but the door is sound proof.
Laura was wondering what was taking Ross so long so she peeked out the door. Everyone sighed in relief. Laura let them in. It was really tightly packed. The benches were so small, so Rocky, Riker, and Vanessa volunteered to sit on the floor.
Ellington's POV: Rydel and I were cuddling in one blanket and Rydel got cold. She laid her head in my lap. She sat back up and kissed my neck. I put my hand on her back and pulled her closer so she was sitting backwards. She kissed me again. She laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.
A few hours later Rydel woke up. Laura and Stormie had also been asleep. Around midnight the storm was over.
I tried doing 3rd person, then POV, then 3rd person again. Did u like it? Leave comments and ideas about what you thought! Give this chapter a favorite and follow😘❤❤❤

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