the Reflection

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OKAY! Here it is Chapter 2!


"You Mrs. Sara Lee Stevens are a vampire."

I could feel the rush of blood run to my eyes as I glared at each of them.


<<<End of Recap>>>

I could feel the pressure in the room rise. I smiled to myself as I saw them flinch and tence up; scared of their own kind, but I guess they have a right to be after all I am what I am. I gave a small chuckle. I could see 2 of the men shuddered.

"Well then I  guess i should wait outside gentleman." I said

Robert nodded

As soon as I left the room i could feel them relax a bit. I went to sit back in the previous chair that I was sitting in. 3 hour went by. I looked up at the clock 11:00. 7 hours till sunrise. Another hour went by and then Robert came out of the room. and he sat in the chair next to me. Robert had thick black hair and black eyes. We dated a very long time ago. Don't worry both of us are over it.

"Sara." Robert said. "I hate to tell you this but your request to be relocated has been denied."

"Well I guess i should have seen it coming." I said while standing up, maybe i can visit my donor before I go back to my cell of a apartment.

''Sara why didn't you tell me you wanted to be relocated?"

" I saw no point in it. I mean I would end up comeing here anyway wouldn't I?"

'' Probably. I  saw you gt a new donor."

"Were you looking through my file?" I ask with a small smile

"i might have been. How would like to catch a beer it has been a long time since we have caught up?'' he said as he walked me to the door.

"No thanks, well not tonight at least. I think i might just  go home." I say while walking into the crowded streets of New York

"You really never change do you." Robert said with a smile

"It was really nice to see a familiar face, it has been a long time." I said as I smiled and walked into the night headed to my donor. "God I need a drink." I said to myself.

.....Robert's pov......

Seeing Sara was a huge shock i haven't seen her in, god I can not remember, heck almost no one has seen her in a long time. And she is still as beautiful as always. It seems she has gotten even stronger if that is even possible.  It was nice to see her though. I thought as I closed the door and smiled.

,,,,,,back to SARA's pov,,,,,,,

I could see my donors apartment. I knocked on the door.

I heard a voice fom inside, " Pay up kid! You peice of shit I all you have to is give me the money an I will give you your life. Hmm how does that sound."

That was all I needed to hear. I broke down the door and saw my donor, and two other me one with a gun pointed a to my donor and the other ransacking the place.

"Oh look what wee have here Joey.' The one with the gun said to the other ransacking the place. then the man turned to my donor and said " Is that you girlfreind boy?" My donor looked up at me an total relief flooded his face.

"Well anr't you a pretty one" The one called Joey said ''What are you doing with scum like him." THe man named Joey said gesturing to my donor.

I hate people that always think they are better than you. I gave a smile and said "You know what you are absolutely right. Why don't i have you instead."

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