The world of Naruto

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Wow 2 chapters in one day I am on a role! xD

Please excuse and miss spellings, tense problems, or grammatical errors 





 "Hay, Sara"

"Mm yah, Kara"

"Don't you wish we could be in the naruto world?"

I look at the tv Naruto episodes are still playing. the people there look so happy so full of life. I look down at Kara "Yah, I wish we could live in the Naruto world." I watched Kara's eyes flutter close as she whispers back "Me too."

<<End of Recap>>

A dreamless sleep that's rare.

"SARA! SARA! OH MY GOD SARA. PLEASE GET UP!" I heard Kara screaming

I opened my eyes "what is wrong Kara."

"I, I mean you didn't have a pulse. I thought that you had met your true death."Kara almost cried

But I didn't notice that. I reached up and poked Kara's face. "Hay why did you do that. Here I am worried abut you and you poke me!" And she pouted

"Um, Kara you'r anime."

"What," Still looking at me her eyes widened, "Oh MY GOD YOU ARE AN ANIME!"

"WHAT!" I looked down and sure enuf I was an anime.

Then I saw Kara's eyes light up and she stood up. "Oh my god we are in a hollowed out tree!" Kara squealed then she ran out into the sun.

wait the sun "AAAHHHHHHHH" I screamed and huddled to the far part of the holow tree.

"Sara what's wrong?" Then I saw the realization hit her face. "Oh my god Sara!" She ran back to me and started asking if I was ok, but I was not listening. I was calculating how many more hours I had before the suns rays filled this tree and I would die in front of Kara.


"Three what?" I heard Kara ask

"Three hours till the sun engulfs this tree." I turned and looked at Kara and took her face in my hands, ''Kara When my time is up I want you to be far awy from here. Do you under stand."Kara looked broken. I put my hands on er shoulders "Kara! Look at me! You will get far away from here as soon as the sun starts to fill the tree do you under stand me. Kara! Do you understand!"

"NO! no why as soon as we get out and something happens do you have to die! Why!"

I could feel her tears fall on my lap. And my tears were threatening to surface.

"No. it isn't fair"I could feel my voice crack."But Kara Please do this. I don't want you to watch me die. please." I pulled her head up, she was a crying mess."Please do this for me"She nodded her head and I let her fall in to hug.

"I always thought of you as my mother." Kara said between sobs. I couldn't hold in the tears any more "I Always saw you as my daughter." I closed my eyes as i felt Kara's hug tighten, and see the light creep further in.  When I opened my eyes I saw the sun creeping farther in, faster than I anticipated.

"Kara" I could feel the dried blood on my face, and I could see the dried blood on her now long blond hair. "No." I could hear her whisper. "Yes. It's time." I whisper I pulled her off of me so that I could see her face. It was tear stained, but it was still the face of an angel even as an anime. "Now give me one last smile before you go." I could see the tears start to form back in her eyes. One slid down he face. I reached up and wiped it off her face. Now I was on my knees and she was standing facing me. "Come on no more tears."I say even though my own are threatening to come back. I could see her trying to smile. "There it is," I could see that was the best that she could do under these surcum stances. "There is my daughters beautiful smile." I said giving her a slight smile with my eyes closed fighting back the tears. I felt her hug me on last time. I opened my eyes.

"Go now, Please. And remember I will always love you." i felt the tears ruining down my face and her face. I pulled out of the hug gave her a kiss on her forehead and turned her around. "Go enjoy this new world." I say as I gave her a light push in to the sun. I had not noticed how much the sun had come in. I only have a bout 30 minutes left. I saw her turn and start to run into the forest.

But before she could get very far I saw two people jump from the trees and to Kara. I could not beleve my eyes and I  could see that neither could Kara. It was Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenia Yuhi, from Naruto. "Who are you kid?"Kurenia said

 "We are in the Naruto world." I whispered.

"Who is over there!"  Asuma said

he heard me "it does not mater any more. take the girl to the village and to the hogage." 

"We will. but first you need to come out."Kurenia said

"What." i gasped "I can't"

"Are you hurt? were you attacked?  Is that why there is so much blood on this girls head?" Asuma asked

so many questions, well at least I can spend my last few minuets of my life seeing the Naruto world. Kurenia took a closer look at Kara's head, and here eyes widened. She grabbed Kara's arms behind her and screamed to Asuma, "Hay Asuma, This is not the girls blood. It is someone elses. 

"What." Asuma said as getting into an offencive stance. "We are Asuma and Kurenia, jonin from the village hidden in the leaves, and we order that you come out now!" Asuma said 

"No! Don't!" I heard Kara scream

"Come out willingly or we will be forced to cut open the tree. I felt my eyes widen. Well I only have only a few minuets left any way. "NO! PLEASE DON'T." I saw Kara struggle under Kurenia tying to get free. What happened next felt like I was watching this happen to someone else. Kara kept screaming. "Just cut open the tree Asuma." Kurenia said. Asuma nodded and jumped in to the air and pulled out a giant shuriken.

"KARA CLOSE YOUR EYES!" I had enuf time to scream, before I closed my eyes. I felt a signaltear roll down my face as I waited for the pain, as I waited for death. I heard Kara scream as the tree started to fall. Please don't look.

..........nothing .......

i feel the warm sensation of the sun on my skin.

,,,,,,,, nothing,,,,,,,

 I opened My eyes nothing. I felt the sun on my skin and I was not dead. I looked at Kara she was looking at me confused. Kurenia saw my face and let go of Kara. Kara ran to me.

 "Sara?" kara said as she hugde me. I am still in shock. AllI can do is fall to the ground. "Sara! are you okay?''

I smiled "This is the first time I have felt the sun in over a thousand years." I felt tears roll down my face. "Sara! Oh my god are you ok? Do you hurt any where?"  I grabbed Kara's hand. she stopped talking.

"No Kara, I am fine. I am more than fine I am happy.'

"But you crying." Kara said as she touched face with her finger and pulled it back showing me one of my own bloody tears.

"Yes I know. but these are not sad tears they are happy ones." I said while smiling up at Kara.

I then stood up still holding Kara's hand. It was so small and warm. I looked at Asuma and Kurenia and said "We haveno intention of harming you or you village. I know this must be a leapof faith but could please take us to the Leaf village and the hogage."


Thanks for reading1 xD

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