a little overboard

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I know

it is late

but exams are omming up so uploads will not be as consistant

as youmay have noticed

thank you to all of the people that keep reading and COMMENTING it really means allot to me

so here it is

the next chapter






“Thank you Itachi.” She said with a light joking chime to her voice, “But I am blind not crippled.”

“Being blind does make you a cripple.” Kisame said smiling

“Oh really?” Sara said, “well I guess each fool is entitled to their own opinions.”

“Fool?” Kisame said getting a bit angry, “I am not the one bathing alone in a lake in the woods.”

“true. But really I couldn’t care less.” Sara said, “it was very nice to meet you Itachi, Kisame. But I must be on my way now if you don’t mind. I have a feeling we will meet each other again.”

The last thought that went through my mind as Kisame and I turned to go back to base was I hope so.

;;;;;;;;;;;;END OF RECAP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Sara's POV;;;;;;;;;;;;;

I walked a ways then moved behind a tree. I waited till I felt their chakra was far enough away. Then I walked back to the lack and pulled out of my pouch a small knife.  I wiped the blade on my clothes then pulled some water into the air then I heated it with some hire till it was at a boil. I sterilized the knife in the water then I brought it up to my eye.

I used my other hand and motion for some of the water from the lake to make a suspended pool of water under the lower part of my neck.  I picked up a sturdy pace of wood and bit down on it. I slowly counted to three and plunged the knife into my eye, biting down on the wood so that I would not bite my tongue. Once I felt the blade reach the back of my eye I slowly carved around the socket making sure each piece of the eye ball was out and in my hand. The blood was flowing freely from my eye. I am very happy that I thought to take some blood from my new ‘team mate’. I thought as I started cutting out my other eye the blood gushing more and more. I can already feel my other eye healing itself. It feels strange to be able to feel every blood vessel every layer grow and attach back to where it is.

I dropped my knife to the ground while it went through the pool of water that I had lifted to circle around the bottom of my neck.  The water was no longer clear but a dark frothing deep red. I brought my hand up to my eye and pulled out my other eye that I had already cut around but had not taken out of the socket.  I also dropped that on the ground as it started to heal, and my other eye I can now see out of.

I motioned the bloody water around me and like dumping a bucket I dumped the water in the grass in front of a tree.

I then spit out the wood that was in my mouth, and stood up as my other eye came into focus. I used my foot to dig a shallow hole in the ground and pushed my eyes into it.

They were a black color, not a rotting black, but a black that just emanated death. I then covered them with dirt and stepped on them.  I washed my face in the river and put the knife back in my pouch. Then I turned and made sure that there was nothing that I had left unattended. Then I walked back.

A Vampire. IN NARUTO!?!?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant