the Return

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well here is the next chaper

i think chapter 14


i am not totaly sure on that.

but hope you guys like it 1

enjoy 2

and have fun 3


I was walking back to Naruto's apartment, dead Kakashi is my murderer. And one one these days I will turn up as a ghost and get someone to kill him. Yeh Naruto and I have been staying in his apartment. I felt really lonely without Sara, and Naruto and I are like really close siblings.

But as I walked by the door to Sara's and my room something didn't feel right. I run to Naruto's room and grab the key to my room, ran back and opened the door, piles of gold spill out of the room. "What the f@#k!" I scream. As I dig myself out of the gold. I look further into the room it is filled with gold and other jewels and treasures. There are also allot of black chests.

"Woah...." I shake my head, and bend down to push the gold back in the room. Then I force the door closed, and start walking back to Narutos' room. I think I will just wait and leave this to Sara for when she gets back. I think as I plop myself down on the couch.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;recap End::::::::::::::::::::

::::::::: Kara's pov ::::::::

"Hay! naruto! Are you home yet?! " I scream into the silent air. This is the way it has been for a long time. Naruto and I have been connected at the hip. It is almost like we are twins it is wonderful. I mean I miss Sara and all but I am in team 7! How can it get more better than this I mean I can actually say all those things to Sauske that I always wanted to! And I can pick on Sakura all day long. As long as Naruto isn't there. I really have no idea why he likes her.

My only complaint is the work my mussels are sore every day and I swear my arms and legs are getting heavier every day. No one else seems to have the same problems as me though, even that stupid Sakura. I mean how the hell am I supposed to fight like this? And just as soon as I think it is getting easier it gets harder.

Not in the missions though. That has also been a letdown. All we are doing every day is wash someone's home, clean someone's fields, help out moving furniture, and we even had to find some lost animals once or twice. One time we were assigned to find a cat with a bow and I thought that it would be the mission where Naruto would beg for a better mission. But in the end it wasn't. And today we had to find a dog that was going around the town stealing some of the scraps. It was fine, the mission went smoothly till we were right about to catch the dog. I was assigned to grab the dog. And it wasn't big just one of those little rat dogs you know the ones that yap all the time my neighbor had one before, but there were too many complaints and she had to let him go or get out. Well any way, I went in an jumped towards the dog, but at the same time so did Sauske the more time I have spent with him the more time I have had to realize what a conceded little prick he is I mean really can't he just leave some stuff alone he docen't need to be the star of every show. Am I right, or am I right?

Well any way he jumped for the dog the same time I did but the dog moved just at the last instant so I reached for it and landed on my back don't ask me how i just did, and Sauske landed on me. Yeh I know awkward. Well he got up a bit and stared at me which just made me feel even more awkward but at the same time irritated I mean what kind of person does that! It was my job to catch the dog and here he is on top of me basically laughing in my face saying I am the spotlight child. So I punch him in the face. And he rolls off of me groaning a bought how much it hurts just like a baby. Well he really didn't do that He just gave me a glare, you know the typical Sauske move.

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