Chapter 3

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Savannah was on her fourth race and was beginning to get the hang of it. She still hadn't mastered turning corners nor had she won a game yet, but she was closing the gap between her car and the opponent's- which at that moment was Gabe.
After having had the discussion in the kitchen, the rest of the boys had joined  in with their racing game. Silas, Nate and Luke had instantly picked up on the solemn expressions of their brothers but thankfully Savannah was oblivious. After getting the look from Kota which said, we'll speak later, the boys turned back to the game keeping up the high spirits to make sure Savannah didn't notice the others' dark moods. After a short while, they started to relax, allowing Gabe to have a race against the six year old. He was currently in the lead... But not by much. Somehow Gabe had leant so far forwards that he slipped off of his seat, landing in a heap on the floor. This set Savannah off in a fit of giggles as she desperately tried to overtake Gabe's car which had crashed into the barrier.

Nathan sent a wink towards Savannah when she turned in his direction. He had his feet resting on the couch behind where Gabe had been sitting. From what she could tell- Nate had used his foot to shove Gabe from his spot allowing Savannah the opening she needed to pull in front.
"For Fuc- I mean fudge... For fudge sakes Nathan. You big fag cheat!" Yelled Gabe as he sat upright, but still on the floor, and continued racing.
"Go on Little One! You've almost won! Just a little further!" Yelled Silas and Luke  as the finish line came into view on her screen. She urged her car to go faster as it crossed the checkered line-the word 'winner' flashing onto her side of the flatscreen TV. Savannah let out a loud squeal as she jumped up from her spot on the sofa, dropped her controller and jumped on top of Nate, wrapping her skinny arms around his waist in a 'thank you for shoving my opponent from his seat and giving me the advantage,' kind of way. Nathan was surprised at first but then he grinned softly, wrapping his arm around her and resting his Chin on the top of her head. Her hair smelt of strawberry scented shampoo and it tickled his neck as she wiggled around in excitement from winning. His chuckle was drowned out by everybody else's as they all laughed at Savannah's giddiness. Even Mr. Blackbourne was smiling slightly at the sight of his family so happy and relaxed.
"I won, I won, I won!" Exclaimed Savannah as she jumped up and down, doing a strange type of victory dance which involved a lot of flapping with her hands. Luke stood up and joined in, waving his arms around and pretending to giggle like a school girl. This set off another roar of laughter amongst the group as Gabe pretended to throw a Tantrum at his loss.
"Come on Gabe- don't be a sore loser," Said Silas between chuckles.
"I'll be a sore loser as long as I want to be. But I know one thing that will make up for it..." Said Gabriel as he suddenly shot up, wrapping his arms around Savannah's waist and gently 'tackling' her to the floor where he proceeded to tickle her until she couldn't breathe.
" Stop! Please... please please!!! Yelled Savannah as she giggled breathlessly.
"Only when you say Gabriel Coleman is the bestest racing driver in the whole wide world," said Gabe.
"Gabriel Coleman is the bestest racing driver in the whole wide world!" Screamed Savannah as she continued to giggle.
"And say Gabe has the coolest hair!... And the nicest clothes!" Continued Gabriel as he remained leaning over her, holding both of her wrists in one hand with his other hovering threateningly close to her sides.
"And he has the coolest hair and nicest clothes!" Responded Savannah, breathing a sigh of relief as Gabe finally relented- standing up and pretending to dust off his hands, smirking as he did so.
"And that my fellow teenagers- is how you win even when you lose," he said. The guys started laughing again as Savannah managed to pull herself up.
"Hey Sav, come sit over here and let the others play for a bit," called Luke as he patted the spot between him and another boy that she had yet to learn the name of. She walked over and dropped into the spot, leaning slightly against Luke as she turned towards the other boy.
"My name is Victor- it's lovely to meet you Savannah," said the boy as he gave her a gentle smile.
"You play the piano," said the girl as she grinned proudly at her knowledge.
Victor raised one of his eyebrows but nodded none the less.
"Yes I do... How did you know?" He asked.
"Dr. Green told me when we were in the car. He told me a little bit about all of you so I knew what I was getting myself into," replied Savannah, oblivious to the fact that she had gained the attention of Silas as well.
"What did he say about me Sav?" Asked Luke curiously. Savannah smiled at the nickname before responding with, " he said you were playful and you loved chocolate."
Luke nodded his head thoughtfully, "I'll admit to that," he replied, smiling at her.
"What did he say about me Little one?" Asked Silas as he leant over from his seat.
But Savannah was already shaking her head, " he said I couldn't tell you," she said, biting her lip slightly.
"Why not?" Asked Silas as he leant forwards, grinning at her.
"Because he said you'll hurt him. I don't want him to get hurt," said Savannah worriedly.
"I promise I won't hurt him if you tell me what he said," replied Silas as his eyes flicked over to Dr. Green who was watching the current race between Nathan and Gabe. Mr. Blackbourne must have gone outside to make some phone calls.
"You promise? Pinky promise?" She asked unsurely. As a reply, Silas stuck out his huge hand and curled his fingers so only his pinky remained outstretched. Savannah linked their pinkies together before leaning back and saying, "he said you were a giant but that you were a teddy bear."
Silas tried to look angry as he stood up 'outraged' and said, "It's... True," at this he slumped back down into his seat and leant forwards again as if he was sharing a secret.
"I give the best hugs," said Silas as he winked at her and opened up his arms for her. Savannah stood up on the sofa, using Victors thigh to lean on as she climbed, she then clambered over Luke so that she was standing directly in front of Silas. His grin widened as her tiny arms attempted to wrap around his waist, but they were too short to do a full loop of his body. Instead, Silas picked her up, so that her arms threaded around his neck and her head rested against the left side of his cheek. What Silas couldn't see was what the rest of the boys could. North looked over at his best friend, to see the six year olds cheek pressed up against his. With Silas' back turned but Savannah facing forward, North could see the biggest grin spread across the little girls face and to think that the reason for that was a hug... North shook his head and tried to fight the small smile that made it's way onto his face.
Silas turned around at the sound of Nathan cheering as he won the race- Savannah still dangling from his neck.
"Ugh, I'm so done with this racing game. You're all fu...fudging cheats! Come on monster- I need to fix your Fuc-oh for fucks sake- I meant fudging hair-it's been bugging me since you got here," Gabe said as he walked over to Silas and detached the girl from around the greek's neck, dropping the Xbox controller as he went.

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