Chapter 14

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Savannah squealed, as the adrenalin rushed through her small body, Nathan's arm holding her down in the seat next to her as they abruptly turned a corner on the roller coasters track.

Next, they dropped downwards, leaving their stomach's behind them as Nathan hollered beside her, the sounds of the boys cheering mingled with Savannah's higher pitched screams. The ride came to an end as the carts pulled to a stop in front of the queue, and they all began to hop out. Nathan lifted the bar so that he could jump out before lifting Savannah out too, knowing that she would probably trip over the high step that was the side of the cart. Before he even had time to place her completely on the ground she had started racing towards North, Kota and Mr. Blackbourne. She threw her arms up into the air so that North would pick her up, which he obliged to.

Nathan and the rest of the guys slowly made their way over to them, watching as Savannah whispered in North's ear, even if her version of a whisper was that of every child's, and came out more of a hushed yell. North smirked slightly and nodded his head once before resting his chin on the top of her head and saying the ominous word of "later". She giggled before wriggling in his arms to get placed down again, skipping over to Owen and holding his hand.

"I understand that you each have an activity that you would like to do- so we can split up- nobody goes by themselves and everyone has their phones on them at all times. Savannah if you begin with Victor, Gabe and Luke, you can join others later alright?" Said Mr. Blackbourne as he released her hand and gestured towards the two boys. Savannah walked in step with them as the large group began breaking off into twos and threes- heading towards whatever caught their interest.
The three boys bickered between themselves about which attraction they should go on first.

"Savannah will want to go onto the bounce house," said Victor reasonably.

"Please, she can do that later- there isn't a line for the bumper karts and that's the reason we even thought about coming!" Scoffed Gabe as he pointed in the direction of the almost empty attraction.

"Savannah, where do you want to go?" Asked Victor as he attempted to resolve the slightly pathetic argument. He turned around to direct the question at her but instead found only an empty space. His heart started rapidly thumping in his chest as his head swivelled back and forth, manically searching for the small girl. Gabe and Luke had stopped arguing when Victor asked the question and also came to the quick realisation that Savannah was missing.

"Oh fuck, shit, crap, mother fucking shit faced fuckup damn mother fucking bullshitted fucker- where is she? Oh Jesus, Mary and mother fucking Joseph- we've lost her... She was our responsibility and we lost her- North is going to kill us!!" Yelled Gabe as he ignored the disgusted glares he was receiving from parents as they ushered their wide eyed children away from him.

"Shut up Gabe! You're not helping!" Yelled Luke- his eyes wide with panic, as he fumbled for his phone. He quickly hit the red button to Mr. Blackbourne, and was answered almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" Were Owen's first words.

"We... We lost Savannah," said Luke, panic filling his voice as he paced back and forth. As he spoke to Mr.Blackbourne, Victor pulled out his phone to call Kota whilst Gabe lead them the way they came in an attempt to retrace their steps.

Meanwhile, Savannah's eyes had caught something. Sitting amongst hundreds of others were small bags of fish, filled with water. They sat in a crate with bags on top of each other, none of the poor animals having enough room to swim around, most of them, in fact, looked dead. Savannah frowned as she recalled the scene in finding Nemo when poor Nemo was going to get given away in one of those bags. She took a few steps towards it when she remembered Owen's warning to stay with the group- but by the time she had turned, the boys were out of sight. Her small eyes widened as her lip began to tremble, fear at the realisation that she was alone. A few days back she would have been fine with being just that, in fact she would have preferred it over her mother or her mother's friends but now that she had met her new family, she realised how much she hated being alone.

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