Chapter 12

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It was later that afternoon and Gabriel, Dr. Green and Kota had gone to the shops to get the final accessories for her room (things like lamps, clocks, blankets and pillows etc). Savannah was sitting on the living room floor with Silas and Nathan playing with some toy cars and racing them around their homemade track (a handful of pens and pencils put in parallel lines to make the corners of the track). North and Mr. blackbourne were observing on the sofa as Luke and Victor made lunch.

"North, north! Come play!" Yelled Savannah excitedly as she placed a bright pink and lilac car in front of his feet. North grumbled under his breath but Mr. blackbourne sent him the smallest of glares which silenced any refusal he was about to give. He slid off of the sofa so that his back was now leaning against it, and rested his arms on his knees as he scowled at the pink racing car between his feet. Savannah sighed heavily and pouted, before grabbing his hand and guiding it towards the toy. She wrapped his fingers around the car and used his large hand like a puppet to drag it towards the starting line.

"Noooorth, it's no fun if you don't at least try and play," whined Savannah. Nathan smirked and tried to cover up his chuckles with his hand whereas Silas just laughed outright.

North glared at them both but they began laughing even harder when Mr. blackbourne said, "I believe that means you should add some enthusiasm Mr Taylor."

North begrudgingly took ahold of the car before finally rolling his eyes and letting loose a small smile. Savannah squealed before plonking back onto her bottom, having earlier been kneeling.

"On your marks, get set, go!" Said Nathan as they quickly pushed their cars around the track. Silas commenting as they did so.

"And Nathan's car takes the lead but... Oooh! Only just as North crashes into the biro barrier. And here comes the tricky bend which is a complete right angle created by two paint brushes. And oh no!! I crashed into a pencil sharpener. What a disaster! Savannah is heading for the ruler ramp now which has a large incline thanks to the glue stick underneath it. And she jumps.... Will she make it? Yes! She makes a perfect jump over the house of cards, and finally makes it to the finish line, North not too far behind."

Savannah, shot up and onto her feet, clapped her hands excitedly and turned towards Owen who was watching in amusement.

"Did you see? I won I won!" She cheered; a proud smile spreading across her face.

Mr. Blackbourne inclined his head and said, " I did see- you did well."
Savannah grinned and wrapped her arms around North's neck, pressing her cheek against the side of his head.

"Thank you for playing with me North," she whispered loudly in his ear.

"What's all this shit?" Questioned the voice of Gabriel. Savannah swivelled around, her arms still around North's neck. Gabe, doc and Kota stood in the doorway, amusement and confusion spread across their features; their arms full with shopping bags.

"Gabe! I won!" She hollered as she through herself towards him. He quickly dropped the bags and managed to catch her just in time, swinging her onto his hip.

"That's great! What did you win exactly?" Asked Gabe, his inquisitive glance flickering over to The boys who were spread out across the floor.

"I won the car race silly!" She exclaimed. Gabriel's gaze shot back to her.

"I'm not silly! You're silly," he said, as he flicked her nose with his finger. Savannah gave a playful glare but before she could say anything Kota stepped in.

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