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Hi my name is Serra Jane Mack but you pronounce it like Sarah.

My hair is brunette. I usually leave it down but put it up when I'm doing outside activities or sports.

Ok I am a nerd but also a jock. I'm not popular or anything. I play 2 sports don't make fun of me please. I do volleyball and golf.

I have an older brother well not that older. Older by 2 minutes and 38 seconds and he won't let it go. His name is Connor.

I have one true friend her name is Kendall krown. She is a total badbut.Kendall knows all about me.

I've had 1 boyfriend. His name was Cole he was sweet and everything. But he would order me around and stuff. Me being nice I did it and when I was done he just used me for the wrong reasons.

This is me and no one can change it.

Or so I thought till Phoenix Cross came into my life.

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