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We get to the park.

"Hey Angelina I'm here to cool off can you get my suit and get Kendall set up. "

"Sure thing Serra."

"Is Max here or Nah."

"Yeah in fact Max is walking to you now and here is your suit."

Max is my racing buddy p.s. I always win. He's nothing special in my life. We met when we were 10.


I see a boy next to a bike he looked sad. Should I talk to him. Yes Serra. lilac said.Lilac is my imaginary friend.

"Hey Angelina how often does that boy come. " I point to the sad boy.

"Evrey other day just like you. "

I walk up to him and take a deep breath.

"Hello my name is Serra. Are you ok."

"Yeah. I'm Max. Do you race to?"

"Yeah. Evrey other day. Would you like to race."

His face lights up he then grabs his bike. I take mine and get ready. 3 2 1 go I speed off and finish 42 seconds before him.

*end of flashback*

"Hi Max. So are you applying to be an instructor to?"

"Hi Serra. Yes I am. Who's your friend?"

"oh that's Kendall. She is used to riding with me but she's learning from Angelina today. "

"You wanna race."

"Only if you won't cry again if I beat you."

"Yeah I know. Let's RACE."

I'm already but Max has to go get his bike.

"Kendall have fun with your lesson. Angelina she can use my spare bike."

They nod and leave.

I do a quick run to get me pumped. It's kinda like a test run.

"On your marks." I said with an obvious smirk.

"Get ready." Max said excited

"Set." I said with the same smirk.

"Go." He said excited still.

My bike roared and sped off. I can't look back because other wise I'll miss the jump or run into a tree or even worse Max going in front of me. I looked at the sign and saw that I had 2 laps left.

On my last lap Max sped up and was right next to me. I made my bike roar again and with a slight motion I passed the last sign. I stopped with my left leg bent and caressing my bike as I take off my helmet.

"Ok fair game. But inside I'm a winner." Max said proudly.

"Sure I bet your mommy says that right before she tucks you in and tells you a bedtime story. " I said teasing. He bursted out laughing.

"Ok hey I got a new phone after the incident. Oh and a new number. You want it so we can meet up for practice and stuff like that?" I nodded and he gave me his number.

I see Kendall and I ride up to her.

"Hey you ready to go home? Do you want to ride with me on my bike or you on my spare bike?"

"Yeah I'm ready to go home and I would like to ride home with ya."

I nod and go get unchanged with Kens (Kendall's nickname). I hand my suit, Kendall's suit, and my spare bike to Angelina.

I was getting my make up on with Kendall when the doorbell rang. I look at Kendall and she has a badbut look on and I have a gothic look on.

I smile at her and we walk downstairs to be meated with our new neighbors.

"Oh hello Serra nice to see you again."

I smile and go finish setting dinner on

10 minutes later I learned all of there names. The little girl is Lacy, the other girl is Lilax, the mom is Skyler, the dad is James, and they have a son named Phoenix.

"Thanks so much for letting us eat dinner with you guys." Skyler says to my mom. My mom just nodded.

"Excuse me, Serra I don't mean to be rude but how old are you."

"I'm going to be 15 next month."

"Just wondering if you would like to watch this cutie for us." She pointed to her daughter Lacy.

"Of course I would love to. Lacy is cute, nice, and I really like her fashion style." I look at Lacy to see her blushing.

Ok good thing my mom didn't tell any embarrassing stories.

"So when Serra was 5 years old."

"Mom not that story please." I said it to early.

"Ok when serra was 5 we were going to a theme park I don't remember which one. We got on a ride and she loved it at first then the first drop came and she peed."

"Ugh mom. Alright I'm going to bed. Night everyone."

"Night ride wetter." I hear my brother say I give him a hard glare.

"Fine fuck this dinner I'm going to bed also." Oh no mom is going to have a cow.

"Connor Lynn Kingsly. We don't speak like that." ohhhhhhh.

"Mom but. Wait you said my middle name in front of our next door neighbors. "


Ugh I have early morning volleyball practice. I wake up Kendall by jumping on her bed that she is staying on and grab my volleyball outfit and ran.

Pound. Pound. Pound.

"Serra get out here now or I'll take your bra and hang it on the school flag pole."

I come out with my volleyball outfit on and look at her with a wide expression. She smiled then tackled me to the ground.

"Oww you are not easy to wake up soooo... plus I'm giving you a ride to school. So let's go. First I have to do my hair and then we'll go. Ok"

"Fine I'll get ready."

40 minutes later and shaving cream in the cream cheese jar were ready to go.

I run into volleyball practice 5 minutes late. I of course got yelled at. Here is how it went down.

"Serra Kingsly why are you late. " Coach Scrivener yelled.

"Um sorry my brother was hogging up the bathroom so I couldn't get in."

"Whell since this is your first time being late I won't give you any shit. "

Practice went as normal except I went from the jv team to the varsitey team. Awesome.


Sry it took so long to update.

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