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Back to Serra's P.O.V

I wake up with a massive headache. Ugh fuck. I hold my head and look around. I don't see kens. I need a shower and aspirin. I walk over to my closet and get some shorts and a tank top. I throw a flannel on my bed for later. I walk over to my bathroom and start to take my clothes off when something doesn't seem quite right. I open up the shower curtain and find my cousin. Thank god I wasn't naked. I turn the bath on and wait for him to realize. I know I'm a bitch. I get called it daily.

He screams loudly "SERRA WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. WHYYYYYY." I look at him and start laughing like crazy. God I love torturing people.

The next thing I know is... He gets up and decides to give me the biggest hug ever. God karma is a bitch.  Anyways I kick him out of the bathroom and peel my clothes off and turn the shower on to the correct temperature. I sit down and let the water fall down onto my skin. I start to think about last night. I can't remember much but I remember a few things. My cousin is in town for my birthday. My sweet 16. And I challenged Phoenix to a race. I realize I zoned out and someone is banging on the door so I get up and finish my shower. The person soon goes away but I don't really care.

I get out of the shower and see my makeup running down my face. I start to cry. When did I become like this, wearing makeup just to impress other people. Or is it just to make me feel like someone important. I grab a towel and lean against the door and realize how fucking stupid I am. I pretend that I'm ok, I pretend that I don't care about my grades, I pretend I know what I'm doing with my life but I really don't.

God how did I become me. I wipe my makeup off. I look at myself on the mirror and decided that I can't do this. I grab the closet thing to my right hand and throw it at the mirror. It completely shaters I feel some shards going into my skin and slicing it, I dry off and get dressed and walk out like nothing happened. I put my shoes on and pull my hair back. I head down stairs and grab bread put it in the toaster. Well my bread is cooking I look for my earbuds.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY EARBUDS." I yell out. Pissed that I can't find em. My toast pops up I grab butter and brown sugar. I spread butter on my toast and sprinkle the brown sugar. I look at the table and see my earbuds. I grab my phone and them and go outside. I open the seat of my motorcycle and put my helmet on. I realize I left my keys in the house. I run inside and kens comes down the stairs.

"Holy shit serra your arm is covered in blood." She exclaims like its a huge deal. Which its not.
"I'm fin, I just need my keys." I say as in no big deal. Because its not.
"Coffee table. Can you please clean up your arm." I grab my keys and about to head out but she grabs my arm.
"I said I'm fine just go." I pull away from her and head outside, they're I see Phoenix sitting on his porch with some random ass dude. He's staring I could feel it. I flip him off and get on my bike.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I ride away afterwards.

I start to feel blood tickling down my chest and my leg. I don't care. I head to the track. Well I head behind the track. You see there's a river about 3 miles behind the track. I got there when I need to cool off or something. I stop by the river and get off my bike. Its so peaceful here. I sit down next to the river in the grass. I look at it, I see a girl I couldn't exactly recognize. She was covered in blood, she had bags under her eyes, a split lip, her hair was stained with the blood. I look away knowing who it is. I look at my leg and see the blood starting to dry up. I pick at the grass for a while before I look back into the river and see someone standing behind me. I jump up and elbow them in the gut.

"Jesus Christ. Not what I was expecting." It was my cousin Jake. I lean down to make sure he was ok.
"Omg Jake I'm so sorry I didn't realize that was you and you scared me. So its kinda your fault." He gets back up and sits next to the river. I sit next to him pulling grass still. "So. What are you doing for your birthday?" He asks. I shrug and look back at the water. Seeing this girl staring back at me horrified. I lay back and stare up at the sky. Jake starts poking me and I just ignore him. I close my eyes for a few minutes. A few minutes turned into a nap with Jake watching me. Fucking creep.

I wake up with my feet in the water and the grass was indented with my body shape. I look around and see Jake is also asleep and snoring loudly. I look at my phone its 5:24 pm. Shit we better get home. I push him into the river. "NOT AGAIN. GOD DAMMIT SERRA." I giggle and put my helmet on. "I have to go its 5:24 pm. Also your not getting on my bike soaking wet. So I'll see you at home." I put my helmet on and get on my bike. I look at Jake he looks so disappointed. I start riding home. I get home and.... 

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