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I wake up in an uncomfortable bed. I look around and see blood on my side. It's a a bandage but I'm bleeding through. I try to reach for the nurse button but it feels like I can't move. I can see someone asleep in a chair across the room. I manage to hit the nurse's button.

That smell it smells so familiar. The nurse walks in and notices my hand moving the boy wakes up and looks at me. My eyes are open and I'm looking around looking for kens but it's a little hazey. I go to speak but it seems like I can't. The nurse calls in the doctor and a whole bunch of people walk in. I feel over crowded. My heart beat goes up and the machine starts rapidly beeping. Shit. The nurse pushes everyone out except my mom. I'm okay with that. They remove the breathing tube from my nose.

"How long was I out for?" I ask looking around for my mom as it is very hazy still for me.

"Almost 3 days your doing fine you should be out in a week." The nurse say's. I nod and blink a few times to try and regain my vision. She takes off the bandage for my side and I look at how bad the wound is. She puts a new bandage on and walks out.

"Mom? A few things. Who was that boy and I'm hungry can you get me some food please." She nods and walks out without answering my question. Ughhhhhhhh. I wait a bit and then she walks in and hands me my food. I try to sit up but I can't exactly sit up. My mom helps me sit up. She got me a breakfast burrito. Shit I'm supposed to tutor phoenix tomorrow. "Mom you never answered my first question." She looks at me and sits down.

"That boy that was in here is our neighbor. Phoenix, He heard a lot of  ruckus next door and when he got there it was completely trashed and basically everyone was knocked out. He went upstairs to look for people he didn't find anything. But when he heard your bike get into the driveway he knew you would be smart enough to call the cops. He created a distraction upstairs to get you and kens dad upstairs. He didn't realize that kens dad had a gun." I nod eating my breakfast burrito. The bad boy saved my life? The real question is 'Why?' 

I rub my eyes. Phoenix walked in and smiled at me. I look at him a bit confused still wondering why he saved me. He walks over to me. " Your still tutoring me tomorrow right?" I look at him like seriously.

"Yes, yes I can tutor you lets meet at your house. Asshole." I say sarcastically. He looks at me and I just smile. He bursts out laughing realizing how idiotic he was. He sit's in the chair where my mom was sitting not to long ago.  My eyes follow his every move. He goes to pull something out from behind his back and i start to freak out slightly because what happened a few days ago. I know the nurse got a notification cause she came rushing in. When I look at Phoenix he has a stuffed animal and a rose in his hand. Where did those come from? He smiles cheerily at me and I calm down. He sets the bear next to me and puts the rose on the tray next to my bed.

"Is it true? Did you really save me?" He nods and looks away. I look at the bear its a brown teddy bear that is holding a cloud that says 'get better soon love' I blush at the love part. I grab the rose and smelled it. It smelled delightful, It was pink and white rose that was just absolutely beautiful. I notice him staring at me. I move my hair from my face so I can see him better. "Can I ask you a question?" I ask phoenix he nods. "Where you the one in the closet? Why'd you save me?"  He nods, I'm guessing for my first question. 

He stands up and goes to the doorway "Some things aren't meant to be answered." He walks out then and there. Kens walks in with balloons a teddy bear and chocolates as well as something behind her back. I smile at her and she walks closer too me. Why have a boyfriend when you can have an amazing best friend.

"SURPRISE BITCH. I HAVE PRESENTS."   I giggle at her weirdness. She set's down the chocolates. Yay their dark chocolate. She ties the balloons to a chair and then sets the teddy bear next to the one that Phoenix gave me. Her bear was a panda holding a rainbow over it's head that say's 'Don't die now Bitch'. I laugh at her bear. "Ready for your last present?" I nod at her. She pulls out a heart shape box. 'Is she proposing to me???' "No it's not an engagement ring." she laughs. oh whoops. She opens it and its a necklace with a ring on it. I look at it and it says 'I'm a bitch but so is my best friend' I smile at her and try to hug her but can't reach.

She bends down and hugs me. "Thanks boo." I smile and we talk for a bit about random stuff until the visiting hours are over. She puts the necklace on for me. After she leaves the nurse sends up my food. I eat spaghetti and garlic bread and some chocolate from kens. I soon fall asleep with Phoenix's bear and not kens...

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